KOI8-U logo
KOI8-U - Ukrainian Character Set 
(as extension to KOI8-R and ISO-IR-111)

i18n/ML Std





i18n/ML Page

KOI8-U reference documents

Software Support and Installation

Support of Ukrainian and Russian Languages in WWW/Internet (other sites)

Existing Standards. 
Support of Ukrainian and Russian Languages in different Cyrillic Character Sets Ukrainian-English Transliteration Table - An official Ukrainian-English transliteration system was approved by the Ukrainian Legal Terminology Commission (Decision N 9) - 19 April 1996

Ukrainian Ordering Rules

Ukrainian keyboard

History of KOI8-U and related activity
Short overview of discussion in ukr.nodes, ukr.netnews and other considerations.

i18n/ML Page | i18n/ML Std | EuroML | UNICODE | ML MUAs | KOI8-U

Copyright © 1997, 1998, 2001-2003. Yuri Demchenko.
Copyright © 1999, 2000. TERENA.
Created April 1997
Redesigned October 1998