Technical reports and analytical works on Internet and Computer Networking Technologies
by Yuri Demchenko

See also Publications, Works in progress, and Presentations
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Since 1998 - Professional work in the area of Internet Technologies and Security

  1. "AAA Architectures for multi-domain optical networking scenario's", Edit. & Contrib. Y.Demchenko, Phosphorus Project Deliverable D4.1 (Local copy)
  2. "AAA Technologies for Optical Networks: Overview and Architecture selection", Edit. & Contrib. Y.Demchenko, Phosphorus Project Milestone Deliverable M4.1 (Local copy)
  3. Filling the Gap with GAAA-P: Gap Analysis of Authorisation technologies and solutions for Optical Light Path Provisioning, By Yuri Demchenko, Bas van Oudenaarde, Leon Gommans. -  Technical report, RoN GP-NG. (Local copy)
  4. CNL2 Detailed Security design: Authorisation and Policy Enforcement. - Technical report, CNL2 Project. (Public Draft)
  5. Security operational procedures (second and third revision). - EGEE MJRA3.10 Deliverable, February 2006.
  6. Secure Credential Storage. - EGEE MJRA3.5 Deliverable, September 2005.
  7. Web Services and Grid Vulnerabilities and Threats Analysis. - Draft  version 0.2. - EGEE Technical Document, August 22, 2005. (Local copy)
  8. Grid Security Incident definition and exchange format. - EGEE Technical Document, August 22, 2005. (Local copy)
  9. Security operational procedures (first revision). - EGEE MJRA3.6 Deliverable, April 2005.
  10. Using SAML and XACML for Authorisation assertions and messaging: SAML and XACML standards overview and usage examples. - Draft version 0.2. - March 28, 2005.
  11. Providing Integrity and Confidentiality with the XML Security: XML Digital Signature and XML Encryption overview and usage examples. - Draft version 0.1. - January 13, 2005.
  12. Policy Enforcement framework for Web Services and Grids - Authorisation and Policy Standards Overview.
  13. Grid Security Incident definition and exchange format. - EGEE MJRA3.4 Deliverable
  14. Dictionary of the Computer Security and Incident Response (more than 100 terms) (Local copy)
  15. Web Services Authorisation Policy Standards Overview - Draft version 0.1. - March 29, 2004
  16. Network Identity management and Liberty Alliance Project (LAP) - Overview by Yuri Demchenko

  17. Overview of existing and developing systems for Authentication and Authorisation and Policy/Role based Privilege Management -Yuri Demchenko, April 2003.
  18. Security Architecture for Open Grid Services and related developments: GGF5 and follow-on developments overview
    - Yuri Demchenko, October 2002. (Local copy)
  19. Global Grid Forum: Moving to Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) - Overview of GGF4 and follow-on developments - Yuri Demchenko, May 2002 (Local copy)
  20. E-Readiness Assessment of Ukraine. Report prepared within the Government of Ukraine/UNDP Programme “Innovation Springboard: Leveraging ICT for Ukraine’s Prosperity” with the support of the “State Committee on Communications and Informatisation”. - UNDP Ukraine, 2002 -
  21. Notes from European Middleware Workshop (EMW2000) - - (Local copy)
  22. Recent developments in European Research and Education Networking. Overview. - Yuri Demchenko, January 2001
  23. Notes about possible European Internet2 Cooperation Programme - Yuri Demchenko, October 18, 1999 -

1994-1998 - Initial period of Internet deployment in Ukraine

  1. Использование технологий Интернет и World Wide Web (WWW) в образовании (Using Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) technologies in Education)  - Yuri Demchenko, September 1997  (Russian) - Abstracts (Russian)
  2. Перспективи і задачі розвитку наукових і освітніх комп'ютерних мереж в Україні. Аналітичний огляд (Using Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) technologies in Education)  -  Yuri Demchenko, September 1997 (Russian)
  3. Development of Internet infrastructure in Ukraine and forming National Information Resources - Yuri Demchenko, Yuri Korzh - June 1998
  4. Overview of the Best of Practice in ccTLD administration. - Contribution to CENTR Foundation  (BCPccTLD.html, centr-ccTLD_overview.doc) -
  5. Вивчення альтернативних можливостей побудови інфраструктури наукових і освітніх мереж в Україні  Аналітичний огляд (Research and Education Networks in Ukraine: Possible scenarios - Analytical Overview ) - Yuri Demchenko, July 1998 (Ukrainian) -