Recent developments in European Research and Education Networking
Overview - January 2001
Draft Version 1.0
Compiled by Yuri Demchenko <

The purpose of this page is to provide up-to-date information about recent developments in Internet Technologies among European National Research and Education Networks. Special page provides list of  links to News pages at NRENs.

Pan-European Networking Projects and Networking Associations Industry Centers to assist Research and Education Networking in Europe National Research and Education Networks Other European NREN’s News pages

Pan-European Networking Projects and Networking Associations


GÉANT - The Next Generation of European Research Networking

The Quantum Project TEN-155 network - European Research Network
The high-speed network connects 20 national and one regional research networks

TERENA - Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association
Formed in October 1994 by the merger of RARE (Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne) and EARN (European Academic and Research Network)

National Research and Education Networks


Current Research and development projects at JANET

SuperJANET4 Information resources

Education oriented Development Programmes at UKERNA/JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee)

UKERNA personnel News pages

NetherlandsSURFnet, SURFnet-netwerk

Innovation projects at SURFnet

Completed innovation projects at SURFnet: News pages

Germany DFN (Deutsches ForschungsNetz - German Research Network)

The DFN-Verein
The DFN-Verein is a non-profit making body grouping together scientific and research interests in Germany for the promotion of computer-based communication and information services. Founded in 1984 as a mutual assistance institution of universities and technical colleges, extra-mural research institutions and private sector research bodies, it now supplies the scientific community with a high performance information and communication system - the Deutsches Forschungsnetz, DFN. Around 400 institutions from science, research and education make up the DFN-Verein membership.

"Breitband-Wissenschaftsnetz" (B-WiN) - the broadband network
 B-WiN is a virtual private ATM Network operational since spring 1996 with lines of up to 155 Mbps. B-WiN is used by around 700 different institutes and establishments.

"Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz" (G-WiN) - the gigabit-per-second network
G-WiN is scheduled to replace the current B-WiN in summer 2000. G-WiN stands for ultra high-speed data transmission, new multimedia applications and worldwide connectivity. The Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz employs state-of-the-art optical fibre technology. Pioneering technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) ensure optimal usage of optical fibre capacity and structured data transmission.
SDH/WDM technologies are engineered by Deutsche Telekom Systemlösungen GmbH, Nuremberg, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG. Routers for the core network nodes are supplied by Cisco Systems.
In the start-up phase G-WiN users can have lines of up to 2.5 Gps capacity, subsequently a large number of 2.5 Gbps channels will be available.

International Connections
The computer-based communication infrastructure of the Deutsches Forschungsnetz also offers high performance connections to other parts of the world:

The DFN is connected with commercial Internet providers in Germany via the G-WiN central DE-CIX exchange with Gigabit Ethernet Capacity. Most service providers already have direct access to the B-WiN.

The construction of the G-WiN Wissenschaftsnetz interlocks with the construction of the global Internet2. The Deutsches Forschungsnetz is bringing Internet2 to Germany just as other research networks in countries throughout the world are also paving its way. With this goal in mind, the DFN-Verein is working in close collaboration with the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) in the United States, a non-profit making organisation of over 100 universities. In 1999 the UCAID launched the "Abilene", the very first Internet2 network.

G-WiN Services
With its WDM/SDH backbone platform, the DFN-Verein is able to offer a wide range of network services for scientific and research-related communication and for information services. They include: With the Corporate Network DFN, G-WiN users also have access to a telephone service.

Current DFN Projects

Gigabit Testbeds - Project of 1998
The launch of the G-WiN Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz was proceeded by two testbed pilots where new network technologies were tried out and new applications developed. The first testbed - the Gigabit Testbed West - started up in 1997 linking the FZ in Jülich, the GMD in St. Augustin, the KHM and the DLR in Cologne, and the University of Bonn. Summer 1998 saw a worldwide premiere on the Jülich - St. Augustin/ Bonn gigabit highway when for the first time on a long distance communication network user bandwidth was increased to 2. 4 Gbps. The Gigabit Testbed South/Berlin was started up in 1998. Financed by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research, the Gigabit Testbeds demonstrated that they could fulfil the need of the scientific community for an ultra high-speed network.

Operational Searching and Indexing related services at DFN (as spin-off of DFN funded projects)

News pages

DFN Annual Conference/Simposium

Nordic Countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Danmark) - NORDUnet

NORDUnet Network

Nordunet2 Research Programme - Research, Libraries and Knowledge Centers NORDUnet News pages NORDUnet Conference National Networks in NORDUnet

France - RENATER

Renater2 Project

Renater2 advanced network services/applications projects News pages

Italy - GARR (Italian Academic and Research Network)

Operational Network - GARR-B Phase 2: GARR BroadBand Network

Research activities within the GARR Network

News pages

Switzerland - SWITCH -

Operational backbone SWITCHlan run at OC-3/STM-1 155 Mbps

Project and services at SWITCH Swiss Education & Research News pages

Spain - RedIRIS

Operational backbone and Network Services

Research and innovation projects at RedIRIS News pages

Industry Centers to assist Research and Education Networking in Europe

IBM Internet2 activity in Europe

Cisco's Commitment to Education -

Other European NREN’s News pages

Copyright © 2001. Copyright Yuri Demchenko
