Male Enhancement Information Resources
Related links and information resources

This information is for reference purposes only and provided for community with low and limited access to Internet. Complete and original information is at related sites.
Note. Most of sites related to this topic are commercial. You can buy information for a small amount of money. However, there a lot of sites providing the same information for free. Actually you need to know two basic techniques: PC muscules strengthening mostly described by Taoist Sexual Yoga and Tantra Love Yoga (if you want to improve your sexual performance); and JELQ technique (if you really want to enlarge your penis).

Male sexual fitness and prostate profilactics (excerpt from excercises)
Almost all urinary, bladder and prostrate problems stem from a poor flow of urine. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH, is a non cancerous tissue which builds up through inactivity on the prostate gland, causing the urethra to become encrusted and restricted. Regular Project "P" exercise promotes healthy blood circulation and a strong flow of urine, prevents and removes the build-up of BPH.

Understanding and treating Erectile Dysfunction (excerpt)
The goals of this program are to: Enhance the pharmacist’s knowledge of erectile dysfunction and the multiple treatment options, focusing on pharmacologic interventions; Provide the pharmacist with a guide to counseling patients with erectile dysfunction.

A Natural Alternative to Viagra (excerpt)
One report estimates that up to 50% of those who have tried Viagra find it ineffective in producing an erection. In addition, men with cardiovascular conditions are warned against taking this medication, as it can induce severe cardiac complications by enhancing the effect of the nitrates used to treat their disease. These data generate nagging questions about the safety of Viagra, leading researchers to explore other, safer methods to help men with performance problems. Is Viagra the only way to treat erectile dysfunction? Based on the biological mechanism discussed above, it is clear that any approach that can elevate cGMP levels in smooth muscle tissue may be useful in restoring normal erectile capacity.

A Revolutionary Approach To  Prostate Cancer. Treatment Options. Doctors & Survivors Share Their Knowledge by Aubrey Pilgrim et al.
What's In This Book: You will need to understand a bit about cancer in general so we talk about it in Chapter One. In later chapters we will discuss the prostate and the rest of the body. We will talk about the various methods of diagnosis and treatments. We will have photos and drawings of the prostate. We will talk a bit about sex and its importance. And we will list several resources and support groups that can help you. Again, most men may never realize they have prostate cancer and will have no symptoms. But it is the number one cancer in men and is second only to lung cancer as the cause of death among men.

Men's Forum at Free penis elargement techniques (excerpt)
Another discussion list (excerpt)

The Men's Health Manual (excerpt)

Penile Fitness and Enlargement (excerpt from introduction)
Exercises can and will enlarge any man’s penis 1-4", as well as end premature ejaculation, Peyronies Disease, urinary/prostate problems.

Natural Penis resources  (excerpt)
Safe and natural exercises to improve penis ability to have a larger, stronger erection

Natural penis enlargement exercises from ProPenis (excerpt from excercises)

Advanced Health Manual: Online Penile Enhancement Program from the International Male Enhanmcement site
Microsoft Word, (.doc, size: 176KB) -  zip file, (.zip, size: 54KB)  - Rich Text, (.rtf, size: 234KB)

You check also Tantra Love resources page

2001. Established and maintained by Yuri Demchenko.