Tantra Teaching of Love and Tantric Sex
Related links and information resources

The Church of Tantra
A large site with information on sacred sex, Tantric publications, products, workshops and lots of links to other related sites.
Some excerptions from interesting pages.

Sacred Sex
Karezza, Tantra and Sex Magic by cathrine yronwode, a web site with beautiful sacred sex art objects and other contributions.
Some excerptions from interesting pages.

The Loving Center
TLC offers Tantric Loving, an education in the art and practice of conscious loving. Conscious loving is a way of being with another that recognizes the sacredness of sexuality, heals wounds, and brings you and your partner to new awareness and ecstatic states.

The Hindu Tantrik Page
A Tantra site by Mike Magee and associates, with reliable information, good graphics, translations of key texts, and many Tantra links.

The Nepal Institute
The Nepal Institute is nestled in Asheville, North Carolina, between the beautiful Blue Ridge Mtns., and the Great Smoky Mtns.. Swami Nostradamus Virato, known gingerly as the "Cosmic Trickster", is its director.

Tantric Healing Through the Heart
The Developmental Techniques of Tantra/Sex Magic home page
Tantra Internet Links at TantraWorks
Tantra Overview at Tantra Church

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1999. Established and maintained by Yuri Demchenko.