Excerption from the original site Penile Fitness and Enlargement
Exercises can and will enlarge any man’s penis 1-4", as well as end premature ejaculation, Peyronies Disease, urinary/prostate problems.

A word from our President, Brandon Reece:

Yes, Penis Enlargement IS possible, and it doesn’t take surgery, pumps, dangerous weights, or other gimmicks. Plain and simple, we have the information YOU need to enlarge your penis. Please read the following pages to discover how simple, documented, researched, and PROVEN exercises can and will enlarge any man’s penis 1-4", as well as end premature ejaculation, Peyronies Disease, urinary/prostate problems, and Impotence; all 100% backed and guaranteed. Thank you for visiting our site, and we hope you will soon be added to our long and always growing list of successful clients throughout the world. God Bless.

-Brandon Reece, President – AHNS

Welcome to our site! Our site deals strictly in penis enlargement and performance information for men who feel that they are inferior by nature. Listen, there's no reason to feel inferior to anyone else because you happen to posses a small penis size. You can have a larger penis! Yes, we are for real, and NO this isn't a cheap gimmick.

Having a small penis size can affect how a man sees himself in more ways than anyone could possibly realize. Actually, sex is just one of MANY reasons men want a larger penis. Self esteem and confidence play a huge role in how you carry yourself and associate with others. Having a small penis has been proven to affect both self-image and confidence, which is a very sad and horrible fact. We have been told by many men that they can recall horrible memories of having to shower in the locker room at school and being made fun of because of their smaller sized penis.

Others have said that their lovers have commented about their lack of size. This type of situation can destroy a man's self-image. Most men just take what nature gave them and think they can do nothing to improve themselves, but this is highly untrue. In fact, there is an unbelievable amount of room for improvement. This is why we formed this web site, to help men throughout the world achieve the penis size and performance they've always dreamt about. No, dreaming will not improve your penis size and ability, but our techniques will. The best part is that you can get access to all this information instantly online, in less than a few minutes (I'll explain in the next few pages)..

~ Before we get started, let's check out some sad, but true facts: ~

~ Penis Enlargement and Strengthening is Possible, here's how it works: ~

Anatomy1 Your penis is divided into 3 chambers, 2 large ones on top which is your erectile tissue (Corpora Cavernosa), and 1 smaller chamber on the the bottom which you urinate and ejaculate from (Corpus Spongisum).

When you get an erection, your brain releases a hormone which sends blood to your penis, filling your erectile tissue. The blood spaces in the Corpora Cavernosa fill to the maximum, giving you an erection.

Now, the maximum your Corpora Cavernosa can fill is the size your penis presently is. But Guess what? Your Corpora Cavernosa can be developed larger and stronger than it is through proper and thorough exercise performed directly to your penis. Yes, we said exercise. Sound strange? It's not, and this is the reason over 75 million men in the USA alone have sexual dysfuctions of numerous kinds.

Simply put, your penis is EXTREMELY unfit and weak compared to what it could be. If proper exercise is the key to health and improved ability for your entire body, why would it be any different for your penis?

Our Program will outline step-by-step exercises that will enlarge and develop your Corpora Cavernosa, enhancing size, strength, ability, and circulation. Proper blood circulation is VITAL to proper penile health and ability. After several week you will start to see and feel much difference in the way your penis hangs and feels when erect.

Our exercises also promote proper nerve and tissue health which will add more sensation and feeling during intercourse, enabling you to achieve ROCK HARD erections any time you desire. Thorough exercise to your penis will also develop a very "muscular" look, surely standing out among any average penis. This is REAL penis enlargement, not bogus and worthless vacuum pumps, weights, or surgery. Isn't it time you developed a larger, healthier, more muscular penis?




strong penis One of our enlarging techniques is an actual Ancient Saundanese Arab method, once passed down from father to son for centuries as a family secret!

These Arab men started this particular exercise at the point of puberty as instructed by their father. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in their penis become quite enormous due to the continual enlarging and lengthening exercises. These Arabs also have been noted in the World Book Records as to having some of the largest penises in the known world, reaching over 18" in length! This method is just one of the techniques available in our exclusive online Program!

With the help of our Advanced Health Manual Penile Enhancement Program, you CAN develop yourself the way you want to be. The only question is, do you have the initiative?

~ Main Benefits of being on our Penis Enhancement Program: ~

By continuing ahead, here's what you will learn: