Yuri Demchenko, Autumn 1999
Information concept and the Initial formulation for a unified field theory
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... Continual interaction capability of particles in the universe demands similarity, or at minimum, adjustable similarities , for all parameters involved. Thus, all extants which do or can interact must be describable by the same energetics and configurational phenomena.
It seems as convenient simplification but doesn't take place in reality. Although it depends on what is the meaning of configurational phenomena? If configurational phenomena is all observed conditions, the concept doesn't have sense.
Quite familiar mathematical approach is to find space/transformation that makes observed/explored differences invariant to all other processes and variable.
Theoremq, of the Theory of Relativity, sets the tone for this, as well as the second aspect of a unified field theory ...
It's difficult to agree on treating mind in the same way as other entities in our reality even extended spacetime and mass-energy.
Is it possible, under this aspect of relativity, to arrive at a truly objective ceptualization of the universe ? Objectivity implies non-involvement with an occurrence to such a degree that it can be encountered and examined without affecting the system. But since observation and examination occur under the same fields and conditions, subjectivity is "designed" into the system. To get around this problem we must invoke a concept which will be further discussed at a later time. That is, the special theory of relativity.
To deal with this problem we rather need to change point of view, to shift paradigm. Latter discussion doesn't explain in exceptable way separation between explored/conceived reality and created reality inbound into our consciousness by the way we learn to perceive/conceive external reality, with our knowledge learnt during our growing up in human society. Our consciousness build our perceived (i.e., internal) reality to the same extent as outer reality form and revoke variant models of reality what can be revoked by our consciousness.
If we allow that localization of mass-energy assumes the character of a mini-universe, so to speak, and that there are external sources of energy (information) which can enter this sub-universe, then we can say that if that information has passed through or been derived from other sub-universes, then that "received information" is objective, as it is information which has the characteristics only of those fields and areas that the information had previously passed through. Then, by enlarging the frame of reference back to the universe in toto, and by assuming total coherence and consistency for the universe, we can apply that information to be valid for our, or any, localized frame of reference. If something is operationally correct then we can assume it to be correct until the conditions of operation change.
We should clearly state that information can not be equal or reduced to energy.
We can expect that meaning of information can be changing when it passes information sensitive systems.
To understand the contradictions of discussed statement, let's imagine round trip of information.
Another part of the statement that information is valid for any localised frame of reference should be detailed by clarification that information is independent of time or time frames of reference.
Another development of mentioned statement is that, because of information is consistent only if it new for received system, the information exchange (though to some extent transferring as delayed states) changes status of receiving system. Here is possibility to consider information dimension of the universe where information as entity/extant independent of time (i.e., time flow/span and time dependent causality) and in this respect represent all processes and entities of 3D-T +E-M space/world in new extended Universe given INKARM.
Since all things are relative within any given reference system and therefore "subjective" by consideration, in searching for an objective understanding of the universe, it is absolutely mandatory to state those conditions (such as boundary parameters) which permit reference point separation and sufficient diminishing of disruptive interaction such that we can approach a paradigmatic understanding of systems, events, and phenomena which are "not ourselves" in models that correspond to actual activity and relationships in as close to objectively factual consideration as possible.
It is my idea then that metaphilosophical paradigms are not enough. We must obligatorily consider actual quantitative information of time-matter-energy in a final optimum objective schema of the universe. No separation is allowable. Concurrence is mandatory. It is not enough to give operational considerations if by doing so we differentiate mechanism from motivation. These two aspects are qualitatively and conceptually separable due to our neuro-ceptual construct which tends toward component visualization of any mass phenomena (in conjunction with Gestaltic tendencies). But, to carry that differentiation into a model of the state of existence, is not allowable, as the complete functioning event or system ceases its time flow operations as a unit phenomena. <... for all practical purposes, time is a smooth continuum...not actually, only ceptually.
But still we can discuss relativity of this concept beyond our perceived 3D-T+M-E world, given proposed INKARM.
Structural individuality is as obvious as the permutation of possible states determined by the number of interacting sub-units as well as the interaction resultant from time-space-matter-energy differentiation of extants and extants in particular context (i.e., the differentiation of instantaneous structure of a complete event and an event in an environment). But, and this cannot be stressed enough, there is absolute singularity of operating force (motivation) which displays itself through various basic energetics mechanisms...gravity, electromagnetism, nuclear binding, light, etc....and through all states of matter/energy. Diversity is as numerous as the permutation of the number of particulate matter in the universe, but "motivation" is pan-extant and singular. It is this singularity which marks the universe as totally coherent and cohesive.
Taking "motivation" in context of explaining reality of outer world strip us more to the language based thinking/consciousness dependence. Motivation should be rather replaced by choosing/hypotising model of Universe development incorporating information as one of development goals (or Entropy transformation).
Resolving the current conflict between biological theory and physical theory can be neatly accomplished. What we actually have is a situation in which two very high rating Integrity seeking mechanisms are confronting each other head to head. The first is Integrity seeking "wholistic integration" (incorporation), the need for singular ceptual unification of quantitative and qualitative facts. The second is Integrity achieving "identity" (individualization) and its concurrent implication of "separation from environment"...defined structure, identity, and operations distinctly set within an unlimited range of possible activity. The former demands a closed system. The latter demands an open one (and is therefore prone to embrace "probability" and other paradigms which permit "degrees of freedom").
Kinetic stability ..."Integrity"... is the singular motivation for all things that exist in the universe.
Difficult to comments. Too mechanistic. But one thing to agree is that new paradigm should join/combine biological and physical theories.
To talk of models and not describe things themselves, means we do not make assumptions of truth or fallacy concerning the uniformity of nature, but are explicit to the scope of what is discussable. We do not discuss the things themselves, but the symbols which represent those things; and symbols can only be true or false to the extent that they do or do not adequately represent what is being talked about...within the limitations of our ability to correctly give and apply proper models and symbols, which are, again, within the limitations of our ability to symbolize...and within the limitations of our language to be meaningful in regard to those symbols.
These limitations rather by our consciousness and knowledge than language which is secondary to consciousness and experience. The same thoughts we can find in comment regarding consciousness and language in "Fire Without, Fire Within".
More than anything else, this concept depends upon an awareness of the relationship between ourselves and things external to us. An awareness that what is experienced (the event or thing external to our minds) and what does the final experiencing (our "consciousness") is intervened by the physical apparatus of sensations. The experiencing "consciousness" becomes cordoned off, distinct from the mechanisms which allow experience. It is an affirmation of a belief in the duality of mind and body, and additionally makes further the separation of the mind from the world.
We could consider concepting new sensations formed of current level of consciousness perception and further development of consciousness.
Our consciousnessthen is attributed with the ability to symbolize, to apply representative meaning to experience, to translate experience into consciousness...with our bodies being the tool of that function. But, is our consciousness derived from the inherent activity of our construction to symbolize, translate and re-form? Or is our consciousness that something which is pre-extant, and guides us from some type of so far unexplained or undetermined knowledge, awareness or whatever, of a more profound type, enabling a "higher" plane of consciousness?
Really Consciousness transformation in emerging Information Society is a question for detailed investigation. (see comments on Consciousness and Integrity Paradigm and Peter Russell's work).
<... To come to some final conclusions then, two possibilities become available. The first is to apply a concept of supranatural force coming into play, which acts as the driving power for the whole system. The other possibility, which is the concept I believe true, is to conclude that the innate forces connected with atomic and sub-atomic activity are the driving forces of the entire system.
It's difficult to agree with such prompt and big simplification. Too mechanistic approach.
Given quantum mechanics was a result of gradual physisists' attempt to explain depth and diversity/variety of physical reality by means and on the base of experimental observation, which can be featured by informational content/capacity, quantum description of the physical world can be consequence of discreteness of information itself.
Q. Is information continuous or discrete at its boundary/finite meaning?
This is true to the degree that the existence of a single particle of matter or energy "defines" the entire system; defines all possible forms which any extants can assume. It is the ultimate information load carrier, in that it also defines what forms will occur when they do occur. At this level there is no consciousness per se, only capacity of activity derived from construction.
<... Brillouin <... states that a vast amount of information is needed to correspond to any detectable change in entropy. (Boltzmann, Planck)
Po = domain
Very useful equation to estimate volume of information necessary to describe snapshot of the total picture of the Universe or local-Universe.
This is also estimation of the total information available in the Universe. To combine this with stability of the entities/extants.
This equation can also be related to mass-energy through possible states of mass extant in sense of possible replication of this extant or sub-universe.
N.B. Measure/measuring should be distinguished from sense/feeling/perception.
Therefore we can expect appearance of the new sensation challenged to perceive new dimension of the reality - information-bounded-with-material-world - as perception of some extended reality of INKARM that bound physical 3D+T world with bounded-information which is by definition is independent on time.
The only problem with this schema is, basically, that it is not superior to any other schemas which have previously been formulated. The reason I say that is this: to describe something is to work with a specific range or possible range of information concerning that thing. At some point in all these schemas a limit is reached beyond which there is no information which can be incorporated into an understanding of the system. <... The search for knowledge throughout history gives a pattern of trying to push back the walls of those limits. And, putting pragmatic considerations aside for a moment, this is the primary motivation for scientific inquiry. In fact, for inquiry of any kind.
Very useful pointing on the main gnoseological principle in exploring/conceiving Universe. And on needs to look for really paradigm shift because new reality is coming and perceived before shaping into familiar forms of our observed reality. Observed and perceived is apparently not the same. Open mind can observe and explore what it only perceive without any existing model and schema. Ordinary perceiver may not perceive new reality out of learnt models... Due to of social way of forming our consciousness and knowledge traditional/common model and perception of outer world/environment is inbound very deeply in our consciousness and subconsciousness.
However, focusing on information availability limitation doesn't give us any methodological instruments in investigation of consciousness development/evolution. Information is not the main source and object of perceiving consciousness, consciousness has direct perceiving channel via sensations enabled by memory/knowledge but supposedly can have another sensation channel that isn't completely enabled by knowledge/model of the world. This is the next step of development of the consciousness to the exploring new emerging reality.
It is interesting to note though that where ever such a black box limit is reached, there is always a concurrent concept incorporated into the schema which either tries to explain what is beyond that limit, or at the very least, attempts to label that region. This is an implicit indication of a need for wholism in any thesis or schema. In just this manner we can begin to understand why specific ideas were, and are, held during various stages of man's development, as well as any activity or concept which attempts to label and/or explain what lies beyond the limits of existing knowledge.
Because of our consciousness also has ability of forming comprehensiveness of the reality based on direct perceiveness by consciousness subject.
Notwithstanding the social way of forming human consciousness based on common knowledge/world-view even individual conscious subject perceive wider reality than it's described/acknowledged/bounded by/into common world-view.
Therefore, it's a natural feature of consciousness to perceive wider/richer reality than built on a base of traditional scientific model.
Most important though, is that I am trying to make a paradigmatic shift in how we talk about our world. Mass-energy-space-time is not enough. It is not enough to acknowledge that "physical laws expect simplicity and generality" whereas "biological and evolutionary theory expect complexity and individualism". Since it takes no great intellectual prowess to realize that there must be some direct correlation between the macro-structure and microstructure of our world, the only immediate conclusion to be drawn from this is that our current models are inadequate to fill in this most important point in seeking a unified concept of the universe.
See comments above.
It's really so. And this is one of the features of consciousness to conceive/comprehend interacting/sensible reality as much wider as can be responded to sensations and conscious reflection of these sensations in the brain.
Time (and bounded information) can also be the unification/integration issue for building new world/reality view.
My premise is very simple. Mass-energy-space-time are actually functional components of the pan-extant phenomenon of "Information". Energy is information. Spatiality is information. Time is information.They are separate variable parameters which determine information transfer as well as information channel formation, each in regard to its own range of operation. Information is not the just the intangible codification of energy. Energy is information, be it light, electromagnetic radiation, stimulus-response or whatever. And energy, as information, is transmitted under those conditions and through those channels as the nature and construction of the environment permits. An environment therefore is defined as that region through which information can be differentiated by means of multiple loci.
It's time again to completely disagree with such simplification of the nature and essence of information. It could be acceptable in 70th when information hadn't have clear definition, it was not the component and mediator of any special production system. Information meaning in control systems, cybernetics and Automated Control System theory is not the production one which became obvious in Information Society Economy now.
Current paradigm shift in integral reality reflection/presentation is caused mainly by
Energy is not information but enabled/posessed energy can define the volume of accepted information (or capacity of percieved world picture or capacity of information snap-shot dependent on speed of information processing and available memory).
Information can be presentation or projection of well known and well explored components of timespace-massenergy Universe in/on new dimension/space "Information".
To reach real Integrity (of our new reality/Universe) in this case we apparently need to do some extegrity to extend integration of new reality already appearing to us in perceived outer world.
Proposed paradigm once more actualise the need of forming/postulating new extended model for our reality proposed by YD in INKARM concept (YD, 1997) that that bounds together physical world with its space-time-mass-energy (3D-T-M-E) paradigm and information-bounded-with-material-world.
<.. This obviously includes all situations where component systems and sub-systems are united to the same materials of construction but differ in their direction of entropic flow because of differing ranges and levels of activity. Entropy can be evaluated in regard to the whole of a system. It can also be attributed to sub-components. Mathematically, this means separate entropies can be at work per each partial derivative of a function.
Entropial singularity where living dynamic systems support stability by means of metabolic processes around DNA as information source of their metabolism.
In this regard entropy is replaced by stability as the foundational drive of the universe, and entropy becomes a functional mechanism for achieving stability. Here I propose the concept of Integrity, which is the mandatory form of kinetic stability. This, because of the nature of motion and time which will be discussed later.
Biological systems Metabolism serves keeping stability of DNA information extant during the life of biological specie.
(in Extegrity, i.e. new Integrity Paradigm Shift)
We can connect entropy singularity to the biological metabolic systems built and existing around DNA as container of complete information about the system.
Apparently, biological systems has time-independence-like feature owing to existing DNA as information container.
Similarly, we can suppose creation such kind of time-independence (singular in time-irreversible-flow world) entity based on complete information snapshot of its presentation as INKARM entity/extant (IDOS referring to YD, 1997)
For any given system, its drive is to increase it's Integrity. In regard to its construction and those field and relativistic effects which "define" sub-universe regions, a system increases its Integrity through increases in information up to the optimum levels for its construction. In some cases, such as radiation, a closely defined system might show information bleed into its external environment in order to reach its optimum information level. <...
For any system with a definable material construction, its information capacity is the maximum information load before disruption occurs due to excessive internal forces. At the point the adjustable parameters of space/time also reach their limits. Information load is that amount of codified and uncodified energy that a system can contain and still retain its capacity for elastic form retention. Sub-system noise is also included, but unless transmission channels exist which might permit amplification thereby inducing structural disordering, it plays a minimal role in any calculations.
This looks like mix of different definitions from theory of ACS and Information/Entropy theory.
Note. It seems interesting to look more close on ACS concept controlled channels vs controlled states.
This is too mechanistic argumentation based on misdefinition information as having energy features.
Because of we can not perceive/intercept information directly without time-energy-space processes we have to deal with physical/material processes in information processing.
Digressing for a moment, we can explain the existence of complex macromolecular structures, as well as their nature of activity, if we determine the operational boundaries of the function of entropy. <...
This attempt can be more successful with Extengrity Paradigm. Entropy singularity caused by time-stable information entity such as DNA.
The key issue is how and how big local universe we can control? And how this localised control can be managed by man. With growth of computing power we can expect extension of controlled sub-universe based both on known physical and biological laws of functioning of the system and information capacity of computer controlled by man.
Now, at which point and for which system do we label one form "information" and all else "energy" ? Obviously we cannot. Energy equals information.
This is only to confirm once more my disagree about equalisation information and energy.
Displacement of mass-energy through space occurs through a phenomenon termed 'time'. In this form time is a directional continuum....non-reversible and non-quantized (i.e., a time lapse may become infinitely small but at no point is there an instantaneous event which is 'separably' distinct).
More exactly is to say "by way of time", "through" means more controlled way/process. Although in discussed displacement we can not disrupt continous time-span development of the mass-energy, i.e. material entities.
We can extent this statement with the actual displacement of mass-energy entities through process of replication of material objects (well known for us from science fiction) that can displace time-continuous development by information processing. However, imaging necessary information, memory and processing power.
The space-time continuum is therefore integral with Integrity in that it determines kinetic constancy, and 'defines' "stability" an terms of an on-going <dynamic continuous functioning, and not staticly balanced instantaneous juxtapositions. Integrity is a pan-extant phenomenon of "process", of continual information transfer. The field of information flow (that is, any occupiable space) is the total environment in which an extant exists (or can exist), and, functions in regards to both internal regions bounded by structure, as well as external regions which are beyond that interkinetic structure.
In this place Integrity is very close to INKARM definition but too simplifying in representing external world and too sophisticated in argumentation. But we should replace Rose's statement about equality of energy and information by extended formulation of extended reality of INKARM.
Our current existence in time-flow world characterised by low energy of existence. Time-stop world needs complete mastering/managing of (bounded) energy. Possibility of processing whole information about our (living) world relates to the possibility to master (stop-snap) time.
Keeping in mind innate structural qualities, Integrity is information load proportional to information capacity. Integrity determines continuation and continuity. This latter factor could be unit or process, where either information must increase or structure must change, resulting in higher Integrity form. Time extancy increases all related levels and complexities of information flow, and structural constancy.
We can give/formulate Integrity Paradigm shift
lntegrity evolves through Extengrity
Integrity Paradigm can re-establish itself after extension its meaning/versatility on new dimension of the Universe.
Original paper is located at