Fall 1997
Emerging Knowledge Based Society (Information Society) and
new Consciousness formation
Yuri Demchenko
Information Revolution and forming Global Information Environment Impact
on main components of National Power and living conditions of social- political
Changing the meaning of knowledge and consciousness in conditions of
Information Revolution
Possible interpretation of Global Consciousness, True, God and Religion
from the point of view of Information Revolution trends
Changed and extended reality given
us in our sensations and outer world perception demand conceptualisation
of the new extended reality model of INKARM that bounds together physical
world with its space-time-mass-energy (3D-T-M-E) paradigm and information-bounded-with-material-world.
1. Strategic aspects of National Power in conditions
of Information Revolution
2. Education and Research in Global Information
3. Thinking/Thought development and forming
consciousness of the modern man
5. Information
Age and the beginning of the Integral Philosophy (Philosophy of Information
6. Introducing INKARM
1. Strategic aspects of National Power in
conditions of Information Revolution
1.1. Background. National power according to Hans Mogenthau
"Politics Among Nations"
National Resources
Industrial Capacity
Military Preparedness
National Character
National Moral
Quality of Democracy
Quality of Government
1.2. National State Guarantees and Function for people
Defence of state and citizens
Social Foundations and Moral
Free development/realisation of personality
Free Initiative realisation - important aspect for saving/keeping active
people linkage to national community
Extending living space (independent of geographical place) - language,
External relations
Living conditions enhancement
Is it right to say that USA live out of it's resources (power, mineral,
Globally taking into account technology producing and exporting it could
be normal
1.3. Will National State die out in conditions of building
Global/Open Information Society
Will IS be Global?
Will Global IS become Open?
Will Open IS demand/need Global State structure?
What new feature National State have to obtain (to merge to)?
What is the stronger stabilising factor - state or transnational industry
corporation involving into production process countries, people and local
which main feature is uninteruptable, development and stability.
1.4. New Possibilities in current situation analysis
We have a big volume of historical way mankind experienced what can help
us to find apply some analogies
Researchers in developing countries and countries with emerging technologies
can compare different formation and production structure - Head in IS via
Internet but legs in industrial or Agricultural Ages
Accustoming new technologies and space - Information Environment
First intuitive philosophy of Information Age are formed now among Technical
Networking IT is the most rapidly developing industry ()
Active specialists (at the age of 30-45 years) now went through all spectrum
of computer technologies
what allow them assume some prognosis and
extract/find global relations
Being on the technological hedge they become the source of new visions
and philosophical ideas
1.5. About National Security, Power and Knowledge (information)
In Knowledge Based Economy new criteria and notions should be applied to
measure National Power and Productivity growth
Applying knowledge to processes and objects
Applying knowledge to knowledge
Knowledge Hierarchy building for knowledge subject/people reproduction
and distribution - Who is on the Top?
BEST EXAMPLE of using knowledge for mutual benefits although initial goals
were different, particularly, donor intended acquire power and increase
security by obtaining allies and against intruders
This is invention of Cyrillic alphabet by Cyrill and Methody in Byzantine
to extend Christianity and Religion/Faith to East Slavic via literacy and
East Slavic peoples had their own literacy already
Cyrillic alphabet in difference from Latin alphabet is more perceptive
- it has more letters which fit better sound character/features of the
Slavic language
Model or growth of National power and Security of Knowledge producers
Always knowledge has intention for dissemination
It prepare market and customer
Establish it's own rules as firstcomer and discoverer
Indirectly secure it's lifestyle and moral
Knowledge is a base for forming consciousness and moral principles
Information processes intensity of American life demands higher moral and
responsibility from people and employees
Very similar to Religion dissemination - via knowledge and their use
Knowledge dissemination assumes building Knowledge Pyramid/Hierarchy that
will provide knowledge development
Rising global responsibility of knowledge producer - Testing, debugging
- Microsoft
High dynamics and long feedback in knowledge distribution and acquisition
KBCo - it's the structure of production, dissemination, testing, maintenance
One of the indication of National Power in KBE is a dynamics of knowledge
production and reproduction
Existence of quick/agile and slow nations
The Age of dynamic knowledge
Knowledge Pyramid Structure
on the top - knowledge or knowledge reproduction tools producer
in the bottom - knowledge implementer that sometimes understand the knowledge
as categorical imperatives
Information Technologies and Knowledge define correspondent social structure
- democracy
1992 - year of Soviet Union destruction
1992 - Internet advent in Soviet Union with Research Communications and
foundation Relcom Company
USA entering in IS and facilitation of IT development up/lift it on the
top of Global Pyramid of Knowledge/IT production and distribution which
is not ruled by old principles
How to find approaches to save Power and Control
Where does treat go from - from inside or external?
1.6. With GII development "Power" doesn't become concentrated
in the center - it becomes distributed
Contradiction between former seem/image of power concentrated in the national
borders and global activity of transnational companies that is increasing
Former centralised state is loosing power and control
Do the need of saving centralised power exist? - For what? What have we
keep/save in new trends?
In KBS the power should survive the main asset of the KBS - knowledge.
How can we do this?
How to keep secure of GII? GII includes telecom infrastructure, information
and prospective knowledge infrastructural components
Does need for centralised power (in What form?) exist - for keeping
order and securing infrastructure and community functioning?
What is the NEW components/objects of power in KBS?
Knowledge production system - KB industry/economy, production management
Knowledge (workers) reproduction system/process - education, skills, migration
Knowledge dissemination system/structure/hierarchy - Knowledge Network,
DataBases, GII
Security: Infrastructural, Information System and KNOWLEDGE or CONTENT
Cultural Content - moral, harassment, convergence, living space, etc.
Former Power attributes
ownership (technology, know-how, realty, land)
political power, influence
commanding, ruling, people control
What are the changes for people and rulers?
Free information distribution - Loose control on information distribution
Free speech and publication - Censorship
Global Cultural/Living space
1.7. With Mankind Development the globality of National Power
definition and product exchange increased
Power/Security of single man
Power and physical force of the tribe enforced by some old tools and arms
Agricultural Age power
minerals, handicrafts and food
Industrial power
Industry products + food + tools
books, technology knowledge
Technological Power
Global unions, transnational corporation
+ technologies + information + knowledge
Information Society
Knowledge forming consciousness, behaviour, moral
Extending virtual living space
1.8. Brain drain and workforce migration problems
Global and national/local points of view
Contradiction between interests of IS countries (USA - first, G7) and developing
and "slow" countries in absorption of intellectual people
including teleworking, virtual companies and work via Internet
What can be useful for countries "exporting" high-tech workers?
Service and environment infrastructural development
Community's intellectual growth
(Service) Investment attraction
technological knowledge dissemination
Skills enhancement motivation
2. Education and Research in Global Information
2.1. Active role of Education in building Information Society
and forming necessary knowledge
Education should respond on global challenges of forming Information Society
in providing necessary background for successful people living in this
new knowledge based formation:
forming base knowledge and motivation for constant improvement of knowledge
and skills
forming moral principles of coexistence in open IS accepting of majority
of truths and inadmissibility of harmful impact/doing because of global
impact of any actions in global information environment
setting up of life-long learning motivation
free access for learning materials and training materials.
On other side, IT provide efficient tools in education for tight interaction
with external environment and facilitation of knowledge acquisition owing
to global access to information (and knowledge) and possibility to increase
number of experiments during learning.
The education area is becoming now the place where many technologies
meet, converge and are tested by real practice and coexistence. Education
area/activity is becoming important part of general companies' activity
(notwithstanding the structural affiliation - to company or university).
Education becomes a conductor and promoter of new technologies and area
where new approaches and new social imperatives are forming now.
2.2. GII provide the following powerful possibilities for
Research conducting and management
new media of results presentation
access to information sources
electronic publication and results dissemination
involvement of many researchers into cooperative and coherent problem solving
knowledge dissemination and global integration
instantaneous information exchange
tasks and processes modelling
possibility to create and operate in knowledge network - hyperlinked structured
information environment
problem solving assistance
2.3. New aspects of education and research in networked information
environment and IT usage are based on approaching assistance tools to the
real process of abstract thought process
facilitation and extension of abstract thought process by extension of
it's information and knowledge base
providing tools for multimedia images manipulation and processing
replacing and supporting information processing by information/knowledge
access in growing structured information environment
increasing contributive effect of education and training
New approaches in education and training should increase the assistance-to-contributive
effect, i.e. education and training organisations should become the knowledge
based organisations themselves and implement KBCo corporate model. Contributive
effect in IT education should shift from secondary process to productive.
Changing approaches in professional education should utilise the learning
process (or it's results) for creating information and knowledge base for
teaching next generation of students and/or trainees.
2.4.Classroom integration into Internet
Classroom integration into Internet will demand special approach for curriculum
design and instructional methodology used that should be focused on reaching
main teaching goals because of learners in such environment have real choice
"to stay" in the class or escape into Internet surfing.
Curriculum have to take into account existence of such global information
environment as Internet.
Teacher must afraid that his/her students will be lost in the open global
information space.
Education and culture globalisation and internationalisation shall not
impact on national cultures.
In this circumstances education at it's initial stage have to inoculate
national and cultural values to learners. (Students should accept priorities
of national values in integration into the global IS).
During education and further lifelong learning people should take over
new global criteria (but not change values) applying and adopting them
to the national values.
This approach can play constructive role even in the case of inevitable
"brain drain" (physical and via teleworking) caused by growth of transnational
corporations and global workforce integration and migration.
In general this process is inevitable because of objective development
of transnational corporations that utilise and integrate the most important
value of mankind - human intelligence. Conformity to international criteria
in professionality and skills will raise common professional and knowledge
level among local specialists.
Development of GII and communication infrastructure will be facilitated
needs of distributed knowledge based workforce access and integration
needs for national and cultural information resources access
2.5. Problem with "professionally lost" generation in countries
with emerging technologies
Specialist as good wine should be matured. The problem is that in conditions
of emerging technologies the time necessary for completing education is
suspended by recruiting young specialists by short-term need of society
and economics.
Rapid technology changes and economy IT-directed restructuring in Ukraine
(as country with emerging technologies) rise another problem with "professionally
lost" generation. Wide demand of knowledge intensive qualified workforce
in IT (and programming particularly) causes problems with completed professional
education. Students that have at least initial knowledge in IT and programming
are absorbed by many small companies for serving their IT needs. In difficult
economical situation they are forced to earn money that, in general, contradict
with needs for intensive learning according to curriculum.
Young people of the third-fourth years in Universities go to professional
sphere without formed professional credo that could affect their potentiality
to innovative qualification growth in the future. Professional consciousness
should correspond to the professional knowledge to secure constant and
successive professional growth and knowledge acquisition but not only skills.
2.6. IT impact on information presentation and knowledge
Modern IT teaches/allows to operate with information images/objects in
the mind and do (model, plan, assume) conversion of information objects/notions
New IT facilitate/catalyse forming of new level of thinking
operation with information and knowledge objects, structures, links
not processes but objects
Internet/WWW technologies and Web-design are best tools for forming and
training information/knowledge level of thinking
hyperlinked information presentation and access
together with directory structure it is very similar to Object Oriented
Programming (OOP) but differ in the following - In WWW Hyperspace there
are not space (longevity), processes and time
Object/images (WWW) v.v. processes/procedures (OOP)
access/search v.v. processing
links v.v. events/time
HTML/WWW technologies will be the base for the next step in development
Intelligence Assistance Tools
2.6.1. Internet/WWW is a close analogue to natural information
(and prospectively - knowledge) storage in the brain - very similar mechanisms
of information access and search
Last mankind invention World Wide Web give people tool for facilitation
of the power of abstract thought because of WWW operates with mixed (multimedia)
information very similar to real thinking process. Now WWW technology becomes
basic for development of Knowledge Network operating with knowledge information
the network and independently from the form of information. The wonderful
feature of the web technology is the possibility to realise via it's directory
and hyperlink structure the model of information and knowledge presentation
in the brain - "The word (information) is it's search" (Lev Vygotsky, Russian
Information location is defined by address but not physical location
Information search is defined by it's name or definition (name + location
or Internet address) - "The word (information) is it's search" (Lev Vygotsky,
Russian Psychologist).
Multimedia - text, graphics, animation, video, audio
Hyperlink by word, text, graphics, links
Knowledge Networks - move from information processing to information and
knowledge search and access
2.6.2. Modern ITs are becoming intellectual/research work
assistive tools
Automating/increasing number of interactive computer based experiments
Information search
Communications on-line
3. Thinking/Thought development and forming
consciousness of the modern man
3.1. What is the sufficient difference between though images
and notions/concepts of Antique philosophers (Gnostics, Hermetics, etc.)
and our contemporary philosophers?
They have not powerful research and investigation tools and theories
The main Object of investigation - Mind
The main instrument of though - QUESTIONS and ANSWERS
Asking/Defining the question is it's search
closed knowledge theory which are undivided component of the real world
man with clear karma/soul, asking the question attempts to access Global
Knowledge consisting the answer
How did the questions asked differ in
Antique times? - How to compare mentality?
3.2. What is the destination of the Man whose main doing
across the Mankind History is Changing World for Knowledge Acquisition
and Integration
How can we review the Mankind History
from the point of view of Knowledge Acquisition?
Is there something what didn't do
for knowledge acquisition and integration of intelligent activity?
The idea could be fruitful if we will
assume that mankind is going to his Perfection and technologies (in contrary
to mental and spiritual teaching) are only means for involving wider masses
in this process.
This allow to understand why the mankind
is on the eve of Information Age
About next formation it was possible to
speak about industry transforming Nature (external), BUT now with entering
into Information Age and surviving the very man's thinking (and mentality)
changes and increasing knowledge acquisition, we can consider about the
consciousness and thought transformation, global acquisition of knowledge
and integration of mankind (by means of information infrastructure), etc.
Noosphere Conception
by Vernadsky
Mankind moves to nature transformation
and building active thinking/intellectual layer
3.3. Historical Milestones - From the point of view of Information
The MOST SIGNIFICIENT movement in the history of Mind and Mankind
were when had been invented means/tools for thought assistance - The pace
of revolutionary technology changes decreases exponentially:
50000 years ago - primitive man started to speak and conceive discrete
picture of the world operating with primitive concepts and images
5000 years ago - written language appeared giving first opportunity
for acquiring knowledge in the form combining text and pictures
500 years ago - book-printing invented; great opportunity for knowledge
acquisition and dissemination, involvement of many people into research
and education
50 years ago - computer and communications give new possibility
and tools for multimedia data acquisition, dissemination, processing and
messages exchange
5 years ago - WWW was invented as hypermedia information presentation:
information acquisition, processing, access and search in Global Information
now 1997 - Knowledge Network combining storage, search, access of
information regardless of it's form and location
Language is a though itself. It plays the role of discrete linkage of the
images, notions and concepts
The more intelligent subject (entity) the more discrete notions/objects
he/it can operate
So, inanimate nature can not operate with discrete images - it can reflect
only external world as a whole
Verbal language became the first media for knowledge acquisition ("multimedia"
because of use common media for representing different kind of real object)
The language itself carry the origin of it's origination - it is structured,
context dependent
Pencil and Paper - universal tools
for representing all information and knowledge
NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES go in direction of approaching thought
process - man is looking for the tools for enhancing and assisting his
thought activity
Knowledge Network = Network Infrastructure + Information + Directory Service
& Search -> Knowledge composition
New technology is at the beginning developed on old technologies
Knowledge is very context sensitive/intensive
3.4. Feedback principle as facilitator of knowledge and consciousness
Feedback is characterised by casualty relations and time of reaction
The more quick feedback - the more sensitive
phenomenon, the more real perception of the phenomenon, process, law/rule
Slow feedback reaction can be referred to ecology, religion
Only last century long-time ecological impact of human activity became
understand as natural/physical
Moral (Karmic) reaction of the Universe could be understand not as Divine
but Natural/Cosmic
It is simply to imagine that any violation
of Moral principles (by individuals, organisations, states, peoples) were
punished after some interval of time
The crash of the bearer of wrong moral
have been succeeded with a time by simple death, termination or more humane
Modern Computers and IT allows to make
a lot of experiments during a short period of time
including non-technical (historical) computer
assistive researches - searching and browsing information, statistics processing,
results presentation
IT and assistive technologies develop intelligence, it's ability to store,
structurise and master more information as well as operate with more voluminous
thought experiments
Consequently, abstract thinking is developed/organised
at higher level - knowledge (information or structured) level
KNOWLEDGE - Classical definition
Knowledge is a authentic information
about real world.
Knowledge is a structured classified
information stored in different presentation forms
includes processing and relations rules
rules for establishing relational links
between knowledge/information blocks
acknowledged by experience and activated
by consciousness
Using/introducing the intellectual individual
into knowledge definition we have to suppose existence of Global Mind/Consciousness
(See Grigory Skovoroda)
Consciousness is formed on the base of
knowledge and by forming links to real world including self-identification
and self- extraction (-separation) from the world (not only physical that
is given us in our sensations
Knowledge acknowledged by practice which
constitutes the frame work for perception of the environment world
According to the teaching of Vernadsky
and Teilhard de Chardin, the French Jesuit paleontologist, envisioned the
convergence of humans in a single massive "noosphere" or "mind sphere"
4.2. Changes in thought and consciousness of the Man
Ability to operate with abstract images
and notions
The volume of operative information used
for thinking (together with assistive tools - Knowledge Network)
Basic volume of knowledge about surrounding
Methodologies and tools of solving tasks
and information processing
Assistive tools and information presentation
writing language + pencil and paper
books + logic and mathematics
computers + multimedia
network + World Wide Web
sensors + ????
4.3. Changes in meaning of knowledge and consciousness (in
the Age of automated information processing and knowledge reproducing)
The Level of abstraction is increased
- what was recently research is now automated
We are entering in the Age of dynamic
knowledge where all earlier laws
Nothing will stay unchanged as Information,
consciousness, Moral and Ethic converge
Even Testament's Commandments could be
Lasarev in his "Diagnostics of Karma"
undertake the revision of priority of Commandments giving them (or relying)
objective evidence (in the INKARM)
Knowledge and knowledge networks are developed in the direction and by
means of knowledge integration acquired by humankind providing common access
to the Global knowledge network/warehouse
WWW Technology is actually the most efficient
approach and solution for global knowledge integration and access, it provides
common system of information access and
moving to the natural organisation of
access and search by representing URL in generalised form of knowledge
network - search-description-definition--name
according to Leo Vygotsky,
Psychologist: "The word (information) is it's search"
The work of IETF in internationalisation of Domain Names for used different
5. Information
Age and the beginning of the Integral Philosophy (Philosophy of Information
5.1. Philosophers- harbingers of the Information Age (and
man entering/upping on the high layers of consciousness - changes of man's
Sri Aurobindo - Founder of the Integral Yoga (European Educated
Indus who return to Yoga Traditions)
Forming new man generation - Man Entering into information layer
Transformation of Human mentality
Supramental thinking (travelling)
Silence of Mind
Vladimir Vernadsky
The Concept of Noosphere - the layer created by intellectual activity of
The Noosphere will be a next stage in growing humankind to the global force
in transforming nature and liberate/release the world power
Pierre Teillhard De Chardin, the Jesuit palaeontologist and mystic
A half century ago envisioned the convergence of humans in a single massive
"noosphere" or "mind sphere" (Ionian Greek "noos" = mind).
This giant mental network would surround earth to control the planet's
resources and shepherd a world unified by Love
The spherical shape of the earth combined with exponential growth of populations
and proliferation of communication -- including "those astonishing electronic
machines (the starting point and hope of the young science of cybernetics)
would lead to the convergence of previously diverging cultures.
He argued that global consciousness would precipitate creative unions which
would intensify and focus individuality and diversity
Pre-supposition in works of medieval mystics - Grigory Skovoroda
- Ukrainian Philosopher of XVIII Century
"All world consist of two essence - visible and non-visible. Visible essence
is a being/creature but invisible is God". This invisible essence fills
the whole space and every visible creature and existed always.
In different time The God was named by Ancient as Worldwide Mind or Nature,
Being, Eternity, Time, Fate, Fortune, Essensiality, etc. Christians named
God as Spirit, Father, Tsar, Mind, True, Lord, etc..
Intuitive development of the Philosophy of Karma by Sergey Lasarev,
St. Petersburg
Change Divine Predetermination of the Moral Order by idea of the Global
Cosmic Moral Way/Order
Present and Future existence is a moral requital/recompense for made/completed
Theory/Conception of Karma and Moral/Spirituality is a way
of doing/living in Information Karmic World (IKARM) - the main concept
of which understood for us is knowledge representing (active) processes,
programs and casualty defining our living.
Man is doing both in the real world and the world of knowledge that influence/determine
as a whole on concrete man's behaviour
Moral and Spiritual imperatives are representation/reflection of INKARM's
reality ruling/influencing our life
Firstly, these commandment were given for people in New Testament by Jesus
at the time when humankind approached in it's consciousness development
to the possibility impact on IKARM - higher layer of nature /world activity
Knowledge becomes not only "accessory" of man's brain but already refer
to external (assistive) sources, warehouses, storage, knowledge network
5.2. Religion as a (moral) conception of incognizable (unknowable)
part of real world
Religion establishing moral principles
idolised and absolutised physical incognizable (unknowable)
world that can not be changed (or feedbacked) by man
Many moral principles are explained (by
Jesus Christ) via parable with physical analogies
Как аукнется, так и откликнется
Лбом стену не пробьешь
Слово не воробей - вылетит, не поймаешь
Before disclosing physical laws their
consequences are conceived as Divine (and Moral)
Let consider Karmic interpretation of
moral and spirituality as reflection of "physical" laws working in IKARM
World among and between Information- Spiritual objects/essences/substances
- INSOSes, where we can not yet consciously understand and act
What is the place of knowledge in this
Does our any knowledge exit out of the
boundaries of the real world (including IKARM) - and did it before?
It must exist as (global) essence or consciousness
and before it's disclosure by man
America existed before Columbus have discovered
it. He discovered it for people - gave the knowledge
5.3. How can we define the role of Man in the Information
Knowledge Acquisition and Integration
Creating Common Information space for
knowledge integration and forming Global consciousness
Religion's role can be defined as for
defence and direction ethical and moral principles of people activity and
providing the rules of INKARM world via
Extending empirical base of knowledge
and forming/developing by this way the depth/level of consciousness
Consciousness is knowledge proved by empiricism
Building the Pyramid of Knowledge forming
and dissemination
Only in this Pyramid, Humankind can change
itself and enter in new Society of Supramentality
6. Introducing
INKARM Concept
Changed and extended reality given us
in our sensations and outer world perception demand conceptualisation of
the new extended reality model of INKARM that bounds together physical
world with its space-time-mass-energy (3D-T-M-E) paradigm and information-bounded-with-material-world.
INKARM is an information-karmic
world. Its main features are:
Time is one of equal dimensions in the
INKARM spanable in the same way as 3D in our phisical world, i.e. INKARM
joins past-current-future
One more dimension in INKARM is information-bounded-with-material-world
or simple information in its new extended meaning.
Note. Inportant note that information
is independent on time; however information processing depends on time
and energy in given limitation of memory/mass and energy/power
Future development of human beeing will/may lead to appearance of new sensating
that will be actually thought-sensation and will enable humans enter/travel
Entities of the INKARM represent both material and non-material (idealistic)
entities of our 3D-T-M-E world in a common way of IDOS as information-consciosness-objects-essence.
IDOSes are interacting entities in INKARM (material objects, conscious
subject, thoughts, information objects, etc.)
IDOS is defined as very close to karmic entities because of their inclussion
of time span history of past-current-future
Conscious human is only IDOS capable to act and transform environment in
INKARM by means of consciousness
Way of humanity development is to act in INKARM in full accordance to its
rules and laws which also include spiritual/moral features
Q. Whether it's necessary to reach complete stability in the 3D-T-E-M world
to become stable acting entity in INKARM?
INKARM concept is at its intial stage of formulation that characterised
by developing comprehension of the new extended reality that emerge together
with Information Society and development of the Global Consciousness.
INKARM formulation was result of search for the model of our extended
reality that incorporate time-independance feature for all entities represented
in our world.