All package should include

  1. Cover Letter
  2. CV/Resume

  3. NOTE difference when you apply for commercial position, engineer/developer/researcher, manager or University position
  4. List of Referees

  5. May be referred to previous jobs and your current work.
    Be sure that listed people know that you listed them as referees
  6. Annotation of your works/projects related to applied position
  7. All other information that can increase your chance. Very useful to have your detailed home page but it's appropriate if have something more to put on your homepage except "Hello world", obtrusive applets and CV.
  8. NOTE. When sending information by e-mail, first send your message to some test address, e.g. yourself, to test formatting, especially it concerns about tables. You should be sure that received message has the same look as sent one. Don't afraid to insert blank lines in the text to make message better readable.
  9. NOTE. When sending your CL and Resume by fax, include Fax Cover page that address this message and tell how much pages you send.


Very important part of application where you can and must show your devotion to the applied position and Company's objectives and philosophy.

Before writing CL very carefully read Position description and all available information about Company in general and targeted Department.

CL should be structured and give answer for the following questions:

  1. Reference to announcement source (e.g., newspaper, mailing list, webpage)
  2. Explain why do you apply for the job
  3. Describe your experience related to the job description for a last few years
  4. Explain why your experience could be useful for achieving main goals of announced position
  5. Again repeat in another word that your experience can gain company's/department's goals
  6. Tell how additional information about you can be obtained (by request, from your home page, etc.). If sufficient tell when you can be available for announced position (e.g., after finishing current contract in 2 months, etc.)
  7. Give your contact addresses, telephone, explain how you can be contacted, what time. If mentioned in announcement about interview, tell about your readiness to come for interview and limitation for terms if any.

The size is not more then full printed page in 11-12 points font.

When writing CL use the same wording and definitions as in Announcement and Position description. Try to answer to all concerns of manager who seeks for proper candidate. Be sure that he/she doesn't realise such your trick.

NOTE. Sometimes very ambitious Resume without CL explaining your intentions to work for organisation's goals can be taken as you are overqualified for the job.

EXAMPLE1 (HTML, Word 6.0) - IT position, Academic or Research orientation
EXAMPLE2 (HTML, Word 6.0) - IT position, Network manager, Internet applications
EXAMPLE3 (HTML, Word 6.0) - Sales, Import management, Marketing


Most appropriate for Academic and University positions and records your main educational and research achievements and results


Most appropriate for business and management positions

Must describe your business abilities, experience and ability to perform the duties and achieve goals of all occupied positions. F.E., if you worked as product manager in commercial company describe how your work helped company to increase sell of your product or gain market position.

Common Recommendations

  1. Use any standard structure from Word template or similar sources
  2. Must be good formatted that help easy reading and browsing your Resume
  3. It is useful to prepare short and full CV/Resume. First you can include in the main letter, direct mail, fax, another one should be placed in enclosed package, ordinary mail package
  4. The most appropriate is retrospective list of your previous affiliations
  5. When mention about your hobby be sure that your hobby will match your current work and applied position.

  6. F.E. If your are acting climber or soccer player, any manager can understand that you probably have priority of your hobby but not a work.
  7. Don't prepare very ambitious CV because of you may be treated as overqualified for the job.
  8. Don't forget all your good doings and present them in proper light.

  9. NOTE. This is the most related to the students and graduates. All understand that students are potential specialists but they should have good records of technology knowledge as well as working attempts and projects participation.
    Special example for this case is provided.
Read also Preparing succesful Resume/CV recommendations

EXAMPLE1 (HTML, Word 6.0) - IT position, Academic or Research orientation
EXAMPLE2 (HTML, Word 6.0) - IT position, Network manager, Internet applications
EXAMPLE3 (HTML, Word 6.0) - Sales, Import management, Marketing
EXAMPLE4 (HTML, Word 6.0) - IT position, student CV

List of referees

  1. Usually may include list of referees according to your working places and other people that know you good
  2. When referring to referees from your working places try to include name of your previous chief/principal and name of your colleagues of your selection
  3. List of other referees may include list of people in priority order that can give you good recommendation.

  4. Sometimes recommendation is requested by your prospective employer but sometimes you are asked to obtain recommendation from referees yourself.
    NOTE. Be sure that no administrative will bother with some tricks regarding your recommendation.
  5. You can simply include only people that you sure in their good recommendation. Also people that can be known to your prospective employer.

  6. Be sure that people know you listed them as referees
  7. If recommendation will requested from one of your friends-referees be ready to provide them template and all necessary information.

This information provided by Yuri Demchenko at best efforts and knowledge for his friends and all other solicitors from the Internet community.