Keith Howard

Chief Administrative Manager

Relational Consulting Inc., Wood Road 12

Palo Alto California

phone: +1 415 630 4818

fax: +1 415 630 4849

Dear Sir:

I am sending my application for vacancy for a Project Manager in response to announcement in newspaper (mailing list, webserver).

I have experience in Internet and Networking Technologies and services since 1993 when I became involved in building Academic and Research Network in Ukraine in coordination with correspondent Programs of State Committee on Science and Technologies of Ukraine (SCST).

I have three years experience of lecturing in Networking Information Technologies and Services and training in Internet technologies and Services. Teaching of these new courses is based on original instructional methodology of Cooperative and Contributive Learning that deeply involves students in Information Resource development. Main results of this approach were presented at a number of local and international conferences.

Lecturing work was combined with research work in Internet and Networking Technologies resulted in many publications (mainly in Russian and Ukrainian, and some in English) and wide consulting and expert activity for local organisations and companies.

I participate in the work of IETF and TERENA working group dealing with internationalisation and messaging in IT and Internet. Our Pilot Project Proposal on Multilingual Mail Client Testing was funded by TERENA Technical Program in 1998. Project has been successfully implemented by International Team comprising representatives from Ukraine, Russia and Slovenia. Project's results have been presented at TERENA Networking Conference TNC'98 in Dresden. Home page of the Project is

Last my part time position is Consultant on Internet Technologies in recently founded OMC Consulting Ltd. (

My current application is aimed to become involved and contribute to International Consulting and Research activity provided by your Company. I hope that my experience in Internet Technologies and Education together with experience of R&D Programs and Projects management will be sufficient for performing Project Manager in area of modern Networking Technologies. I would be happy to receive possibility to work in such committed to modern technologies organisation as Relational Consulting Inc.

I will appreciate you attention to my application. I have enclosed short CV, full CV and Referees list.

All additional information can be obtained from my homepage at

Yours Sincerely,

George Bohdan,

Associate Project Professor,

University of Strathclyde, Scotland