Internet2 and NGI
Links and Resources

Updated November 1999

Internet2 Universities Project - - Internet2 is a project of the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development

Internet2 Application page
Internet2 News
Internet2 components and related organisations STAR TAP -- Science, Technology And Research Transit Access Point based on Chicago MREN (Metropolitan Resaerch and Education Network) and  Ameritech NAP.

vBNS operated by WorldCom-MCI -

Universities Initiatives Inernet2 Application Projects

NSF anf US Government development programs

ITR: Information Technology Research- ITR is a multi-agency program to push the envelope for research and development in information technology. ITR is supported by both the Administration and Congress (see bill HR 2086 - Major Science & Engineering Legislation - 106th Congress)

Related prior US government programs

US President's Information Technology Advisory Committee

Next Generation Internet (NGI) Initiative

Other related organisations and projects

Educause Publications -

The Center for Next Generation Internet -

MirNET- NSF High Performance International Services Program Grant ( for connecting MSU to STAR TAP ( MirNET Project details,mozilla,pc,english,,MirDefaultR)

Internet2 and International Cooperation. Overview (Russian)


CA*Net II/CA*net3  national network - The Advanced Research and Development Network Operations Center (ARDNOC)
"Canada's National Optical Internet" -

CA*Net II Projects - CANARIE Advanced Networks Applications (ANA) program. The Center for Civic Networking - Information Infrastructure:  Public Spaces For the 21st Century. Information Society is Civil Society


DANTE Quantum/TEN-155 Project (

SURF Long-term Plan 1999-2002
GigaPort. The Next Generation Internet in the Netherlands

Other related organisation

Copyright © 1999. Yuri Demchenko.