Publications on Methodology of Education in Conditions of Emerging Technologies

Early Publications 1996-2001

  1. Demchenko Yu.V. Experience Report on Pilot Implementation of Education Course on Computer Networking and Internet Information Technologies at CAD Department in Kiev Polytechnic Institute. - URL:
  2. Demchenko Yu.V., Petrenko A.I. Development of Instructional Methodology for Teaching Computer Networking and Information Resource Management Technologies in Kiev Polytechnic Institute. - JENC7 Proceedings. -Budapest. - May 13-16, 1996. - Pp. 175-1 - 175-10. Local copy of the paper.
  3. Presentation on the JENC7, Budapest. Short outlines.
  4. Demchenko Yu.V. Cooperative and Contributive Learning - the real choice to push professional education in Networking Information Technologies in Ukraine and CIS. - JENC8 Proceedings. - Edinburg, May 12-15, 1997. - Pp. 822-1 - 822-7.
  5. Demchenko Yu.V. New Paradigm of Education in Global Information Environment: Learning from the Internet - Contributing to the Internet. - INET'97 Proceedings. - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 24-27, 1997.
  6. Demchenko Yu.V. "Experience of implementation of new methodology of teaching Networking Information Technologies in conditions of emerging technologies in Ukraine". -  ICTE'97 Proceedings. -  Oslo, Norway. - August 10-13, 1997.
  7. Demchenko Yu.V. Cooperative and Contributive Learning as a Real Challange for Developing Professional Education in Networking Information Technologies in Contries with Emerging Technologies. - ICCE97 Proceedings. - Kuching, Malaysia. - December 2-6, 1997.
  8. Demchenko Yu.V. Cooperative and Contributive Learning in Professional Education. - SITE98 Proceedings. - Washington, USA. - March 10-14, 1998.
  9. Demchenko Yu.V.  Paradigm Change in Education in Conditions of Emerging New Information Technologies and Global Information Infrastructure Building. - ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 98 Proceedings. - Freiburg, Germany. - June 20-23, 1998.
  10. New trends in Education in conditions of Emerging Global Information Infrastructure. - Teleteaching'98, IFIP Conference. - Accepted Paper. - Vienna-Budapest. - August 30 - September 2, 1998.
  11. Yuri Demchenko. Experience of the implementation of a cooperatrive and contributive learning model in teaching networking information technologies in conditions of emerging technologies. - International Journal of continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning. Vol ume 11, Nos. 4/5/6, 2001. - P.p. 459-467. - Local copy.