Information Resource Management. HTML/WWW Publishing
(2 credits)
Lecturer: Yuri Demchenko, Associate Professor
Computer Aided Design Department, NTUU "Kiev
Polytechnic Institute"
1. Basics
1. Information Technologies and Applications
2. Computer Based Information Systems and its classification
3. Distributing Computing and Client/Server Concept
4. Information Resources and its Management tasks
5. Information presentation - HTML/SGML, XML, Multimedia
6. Information System Security
2. Organisational Structure and Components of Information Resource Management Systems
1. Information Management System Services (E-mail, File Access, Directory
Services, Data Bases etc.)
2. Network Information and Coordination Center
3. Information System Development and Implementation
3. Information Resources Processing and Management Tools
1. Electronic Mail Services and User groups support
2. Network Applications (FTP, Directory Services, X.500, SMTP Mail, X.400)
3. Information Access and WWW Browsing Tools (Netscape Navigator/Communicator,
MS Internet Explorer)
4. Data search and retrieval tools (AltaVista Technology, Archie)
5. Knowledge Networks (Information Store, Retrieval and Search)
4. Internet/intranet Technologies
1. HTML/WWW Publishing
2. IP-address translation, Network Security (Firewall, Tunnneling,
Proxy, Cache)
3. E-mail standards (MIME, PGP/PEM, X.400) and system integration
(Eudora, MS Exchange, cc:Mail, MS Internet Mail, Netscape Mail)
4. Common Directory System (Yellow Pages, X.500, Whois)
5. Intranet Search System (WAIS, CWIS, AltaVista)
6. Electronic commerce (Technology, components, legal basis, products)
7. Collaborative and Cooperative work (electronic/video conferences,
cooperative design/editing/publishing, WhiteBoards) -
8. User and Applications Mobility
5. HTML/WWW Publishing
1. Main HTML directives
2. Usage of Tables and Frames
3. Graphical Images Format for HTML Documents. Animation
4. Forms and CGI
5. Interactive images IMAGEMAP, USEMAP
6. JavaScript and Java in WWW Applications
7. Databases Access via WWW (mSQL, PostGres)
8. HTML Editors and Constructors (HTML Assistant, HotDog, HotMetal, Netscape
Editor, MS FrontPage)
9. HTTP Server Management (Statistics, Counter, etc.)
Laboratory/Practical courses
1. E-mail based Services installation, maintenance and use (E-mail,
Newsgroup, LISTSERV)
2. Practical use of information browsing and retrieval tools (FTP, WWW,
3. Installation of FTP Server, HTTP Server
4. WWW/HTML Information Resource Development
5. HTML Editors and Constructors (HTML Assistant, HotDog, HotMetal, Netscape
Editor, MS FrontPage)
Other reommended resources