THE INTEGRITY PAPERS - James N. Rose Genre Group -VAKourinsky


Valery Kourinsky

Chapter 10


Tempora mutantur, times change... They are to change according to the laws of general human world development.  Which we have to re-uncover and re-formulate at each new stage of our human ex>

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hat process of over naming of the known. The changes of viewpoints are all we have as our main essential action in intellectual life. Those changes belong to different directions of thought, but all in sum represents the natural inclination of each generation to switch-, or swing-over life to something cardinally new.

Some kind of Conventional Wisdom is may be the only barrage in this storm-like movement of renovation of the soul. And that barrage is huge and sometimes even un-scalable. Especially for the always maximalistically tuned part of mental existence, which is, in my view, the art of poetry, that is the essence of each generation which has an own homeland in its time as if in the space.

The chief concerns of the top-spirituality of each epoch are connected with the problems of self expressing in order of "correction" of the naive and "of course erroneous" past. That is the cause of generating of poetry in all its possible external forms.

The human lives mostly start with a poetically colored dream(s). For the sake of those we, humans, get our jobs and gradually become too often the slaves of "circumstances", alienating ourselves from the primary poetry of this life the further the more, adding to the relish of our Dasein a harmful flavor of wormwood and disenchantment... Deconstruction of poetry is a result of most our long years activities. Thus, it's evident that today poets are the world minority. But in different degree by the different ages. Today they are a rarae aves. Nonetheless there is no issue in the Red Book for the physiologically necessary culture, the very core of which is continuously created namely by poetry.

Because poetry is the only attractor for actual humanly accentuated existence that we are too often inclined to analyze separately from physical "hardware" life of our kind in connection with the animals and different so called environmental qualities of this world. This is a non-dialectical way in case with humans. The cows, neat in general, need the pastures and the corresponding parameters of externality. The wild nature is alike. All live world, as well as the dead, is possible in the definite conditions.  Nobody is so strange as to presume a "spacely" and essentially alienated being of anything. Borders argue the wholeness.

And for an ecologist is very important to clear the space of life, specific "habitat" of humans in order to find the correct demeanor for them in a given situation and the right recommendatory basis for albeit nearest future.  Not uniquely increased ultra-violet solar radiation which the damaged ozone allows through to the surface of the earth is threat to all living things as it's well known in humans and other developed species it can cause eye cataracts and skin cancer,-- physiologically noxious for everyone is equally de-poetization of life, its cynical accentuating and its clinical leaving territory of conscience.

Too much separateness between visibly correct concrete action ( to lead, as it is conceptualized, to quick decision of practically important problem, needed expeditious measures) and basic human (and probably meta-human, i.e. relative to possible future achievements of life evolution) properties. Such old fashioned approach to settle earthly questions might be regarded as a non-corresponding to a way of thinking that is contemporary and -- sic! -- expanded to become nearer to the integral understanding of reality. And not to be a today's living creature is allowed to any being except human.

We, humans, are sentenced to be contemporary beings in a dialectical way. This means that we may have our "now" in only one case , and exactly when we have been initialized by the "once upon a time", by huge "yesterday of humankind". Thus, our environment is a binary one. It has not simply double essence, but really existing double, even duplex, nature.

How strange it might appear to some traditionalistic minds, the human's inborn naivete is, as a matter of fact, its richness and a single possibility to merge the externity of life with its internal content, which by means of total communicative net, creating sustainability of culture and, properly speaking, the very specie of... no, that is not a specie defined only as a physiological entity, but specie of "double citizenship" in the space of life. Materiality of many apparently non-material phenomena in our life is to acknowledge and to control in degree needed for world ecology movement. It's unimaginable to create sustainable controlled life structure on a planet-wide scale without society of humans, the main belongings of which are the conscience and feeling of poetry.

Not intellect (together with its quotient) must possess the first place among the human qualities, it is to be overpowered by the above two life-saving properties. They are just today's most important features of our nature.  But they are intrinsically productive and had become during long existence of humans a real authors of a as-if-uncatchable environmental layer. Such part of culture as languages is under- stood sometimes exactly like that without too much doubt. Par example, " "language" exists as part of the experiential environment!"("Understanding the Integral Universe" by J. Rose, "Introduction": "Whorf - Conceptual Progenitor"). What we have to do here is to add our understanding of languages as large dynamically and continuously developing, ever changeable poetries, poems, huge verses, which are "pronouncing ourselves" (M.Heidegger).

The nature of logic, available to us, cannot abide exaggerated directness. Too much of it is, as a rule, an argument for incorrectness of decision. And that because of absence of wholeness, warranted by a one and only one thing in the world -- the Poetry.

We may continue pondering about our future, hoping "to save the life and its earthly cradle", but in that case we should leave aloof the most important part of task, practical embodiment of its solving, organization of "unanimity", without which the spits will return to the mouths of boon and clever dreamer that imagined themselves a collective Saver of World...

We need a new theory and practice, innervated with the wisdom of poetry, generating energy of real- ization of betterments in accordance with its core.   Without this energy, upon which, as it seems, we have to abut while embodying our reasonings in deeds. The human specie, the Homo Globalis (speaking 'contemporally"), which must govern primate Homo Sapience, sojourning in him and unthinkable without him.

The love is a necessity for Homo Globalis. Thus, it must to be a constant. But such its existence is possible only as a dynamical phenomenon. Love is a dynamical constant. In future we shall investigate it from this point of view. "Gamma-ray bursts" of loves all around the world is a topic for researchers that want to become most realistic. We are already facing the fact of knowing more about attraction in astronomical and physical sense than about attractions in terrestrial and humanitarian sense. Politics of future time might be based just on research of live continuously changeable system of human attractions, which are main source of real creative energy of humankind.

The aware use of "magnetic fields' of our relations should be connected with applying of a "new" quotient for participants of educational process.

The practical point is, to say the truth, not so evident for the most ecological thinkers as it would be desirable, not to mention about grass-roots participants of ecological movement.   


[end of chapter 10]

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