THE INTEGRITY PAPERS - James N. Rose Genre Group -VAKourinsky


Valery Kourinsky

Chapter 9


We used to relegate our own core and inner world to the background of our existence. In that shameful way we render our life innocuous and empty.  Only with the Midas touch of our own sensorial percep- tion of the morphologically - for us only in that way, indeed, - existing world, we may to get a needed grade of inner self-confidence and self-support necessary to get a higher level of freedom and joy and richness of life.  On this depend and are achievable at decisively easy rate also the external life successes.

The majority of us are unconsciously deregistering themselves from the genuine life of "cultivated" harmony to stall and stodge in a bog of a spiritual stagnation and deficiency of the power, of which it is abridged by itself involved in a bogus affair with own soul and essence.

Culture is not a superficial mount but a gem of a core necessity.  

In education we have a kind of "backing storage" instead of an inwardly organised and spiritually oriented evolving human. From the very beginning of his life everybody among us is trained to be oblivious and inattentive about his own eupathy but to experience suspiciously alert state in each case, when we must to have a tangible result in learning, development of skill, behavioural betterment, socialisation and the like. The measurement of life success too often happens to be those things that should be providers of this success as they are seen by the day-to-day

The developmental vector of anthropity lays in direction to deeper analysis of the Being. He had been satisfied at first with rough knowledge, had been continued with "atomising" the reality and by now is "quarking" and thereafter, evidently, is to be made a next step - namely, that of minimising. The situation with the human's relation to himself has the similarity with the above. We know physiological and psychological particularities, which would not have been realisable some centuries   and even decades ago.

The human creature is too much "himself" to be managed at gearing his destiny toward a predestined goal. There is a necessity for a sort of interval between HIMSELF and HIS instrumental part. Without a definite gap between a person's consciousness and "tool", manipulated by it despite the fact that this tool is internally situated, we do not get the possibilities needed for optimal ruling ourselves…   Our obsolete views are promotional for saving a large area of unused potencies of our animalistic platform. There are too many human's apsychic deeds. In addition to that, we fashionably seek inner 'resources', something latent and magnificent that is able to solve without our direct activity - as if by chance- the cognitive problems. This hope for a wonder is tangible also in the area nearby researches of uncons- ciousness, and, in particular, unconscious cognition. Homo Sapiens wants to have a skill without odd tension…

But there are if not the wonders, then still somewhat that is happening all of a sudden, and only in this way, remaining for us afterward as a gift of betterment ...

To live one's own life is by itself a regular feat, but this feat becomes  larger, when one has achieved the conscious multilinearity of his existence. It is interesting that we all are from nature "adepts" of such approaching of activity - who does not remember how he has been doing a dozen of businesses simultaneously being long time ago an "uneducated" kid?  And if it was selected by our inner sense of boon or at least of some example of skill or behaviour, good as they are. And in absolute majority of cases we always have fantastic success in our childhood, in every beginning of human life.


Chapter 9 (part 2)

Childhood is the very place to visit for learning at last what are we have been created for. We perfectly in vain don't want recollections from its extraordinary rich content; so tackling with lofty perception of our own false advantage we throw away in the trash-bin the maybe a unique possibility to get necessary knowledge. On the territory of the first earthy human years we find not a few instances of chaotic and primitive but, notwithstanding with that, genuine multilinearity of behaviour.

Take at least a process of speech development. Whether are we then the ear-minded? No! We are and eye-minded and motor-minded and else-somewhat-minded as well.    And this "somewhat" is compound up to the level of microcosms.   We have, when beginning to prattle about, even a specific taste for the words. Some of them seem uncomfortable, others charming, or acerbic, or scaring and blaring,or sweet and orthoepically like an apple... Each among us could specify the like properties and their sometimes strange shadowing infinitely. In one word, we all unexceptionally have multisensoric experience in our childhood.

This phenomenon is generative in relation to multilinearity, that is to the simultaneous, or as if simultaneous, and different activities. The seemingly chaotic childish approach to manage everything at once has a highly precious peculiarity -- it is connected always with the will-volition. A child doing what he wants! That is the very nightmare for the majority of educators, which have a noble goal to eliminate from the pupils the awful barbaric trend and to develop them to civilised, cultured humans.

But the end in educative area too often justifies the means, and teaching equals fire that burns out the treasure of rich natural intermediacy between a human and his activity.  Educational apparatus of coming new civilisation is to change things fast and dextrously to abolish the old principle of mono- linearity and the violent ruin of a natural "ready-made" for each of us learning ability. That, of course, is not possible on the basement of obsolete, and therefore pseudoscientific, knowledge of human. This one is but precisely sciosophic, that is constructed within the space of judgements which are traditional in the worse sense of the word. And all this may be again viewed as a private case of monolinearity, because whatsoever overadaptation (=stagnation) is a trusty hurdle for diversity of thought and accordingly actions. Adaptation is, as is now well known, the foe number one of stimuli in narrow --physiological - and broad -- everyday life's sense.

As to science I prefer that its hypostasy which tends to be adequate to itself by means of constant, ever-lasting and universally coloured updating. The opposite state of things is not incompatible with its very essence.

Science is a lady-polyglot. A temporary underinformation about some neologisms of modern live "languages", e.i. other branches of knowledge, leads not only to inapprehension of the novices in that  one, but to non-validity of concepts of one's own "native" branch.

Consequently one acts in vain, when he is not as contemporary as possible.

There are dozens, even maybe hundreds genuinely bread-and-butter arguments, the destiny of which is suspiciously unlucky -- they are registered by too many pragmatics as tenth priority issues.    And nobody reasons on necessity of introduction a special changeability quotient into theory and practice of human activities as such. Though every truly skill has specific articulation and related to it multi- sensoric tool. And every distinct and intelligible articulation is a result of multipath mind-body activity.

The time-of-my-short-life problem in connection with polydirectionally realized existence seems not so hopelessly irresolvable. Largest manifold of parallel time-lines, if generated every time we live with needed general tension, helps us to make the volume of our personal life as big as is necessary to fulfill ourselves and solve the task of the my-unique-dream's-embodiment. And for that it's obvious to go in
direction to preferred by ourselves skill's excellence. So to have a dealing with the repetitions of movement. Is not it another interference of old theme? Is not it the same problem of intentional diversifying of morphological world in order not to be again hostages held by incorrectness of astigmatic views and contorted opinion about possibilities to repeat... the unrepeatable, e.i. whatever stuff exceptionlessly is always different by each another touch to it and is forever such and only such, may it be a verse or an aerobic exercise, a tasty food or a morning wake. Nowhere in the being there is morphology that is the same.

The sameness is a typical illusion of lazy minds.  God created for industrious ones a multilinear happiness.


[end of chapter 9]

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