THE INTEGRITY PAPERS - James N. Rose Genre Group -VAKourinsky


Valery Kourinsky

Chapter 4


Now we may well imagine ourselves as a lucky travelers that succeeded to get in a dreamed up fairy land, which has appeared sound real and true.  What is topology of that physical arena of main human activities as such?

First of all one takes notice of masterpieces. They are the solid ground of anthropic space. They constitute the potencies of buttress. Qualitatively their integer represents a facets of the whole most anthropic in our life through the milleniums.  Henceforward we have not been read/seen/heard/experienced any classical work - we still read/see/hear/experience It, being  not parted with, not separated from the best of all we have in life. It is available pending all anthropic life of me. To leave It means to become a betrayer of anthropity and to cause the scruples of conscience, i.e. losing the inner comfort, internal quietness, interrupting the functioning of an important part of intellectual apparatus, namely, - that that is well known under the name of 'soul'.

The space in question is a dynamic system of events, the chief and most meaningful witness of which is conscience. It's conscience that allows us to create optimal batch of attractors in inner world. That is it that ultimately leads us to anthropic hedonism and towards total positiveness of anthropic space. Here we live "in the original", aiming the growing of originality and in this way more depth and delight that is produced by extending authenticity. All that is inevitably connected with skillwise activity, though we too often don't remember about it. Evolution of humans is pedagogic in its essence and even furthermore - the Being as a human may it imagine today is a process of teaching and widening of possibilities of its own existence. It seems that such is its main property, its law.

But let us return to the properties of anthropic space. Just like as in every space, here there is to be a gravity. Translated into Human it is to be attractiveness which is similarly all-penetrating. Using imagery, we may assume that everything is spinning around axis of attractiveness. Anthropity has its fulcrum in our separate and collective and miscellaneous aiming to attracting point of specific area of experiences.

In this way the Being governs over our inner behaviour and by means of it provokes the external manifesting of anthropity. As the end of the Being, "anthropically" speaking, is development of every its as if "specie" (that may be living - as we understand it --"species" or "dead", for example, stars and planets and… neutrino etc.) and not only species of animals in terrestrial life, we may presuppose that above mentioned type of ruling over our actions defers fundamentally from all known to us. Thus, more correct to affirm, surely, that we are not animals for the Being, that their 'formulas of existence' have nothing in common with each other. By the way, for the Being, evidently, there is no 'better' or 'worse' form of existence. But we may claim, notwithstanding with this fact, that our part in the terrestrial section of Being is more important, high and noble, than that of  whatsoever other live or dead sort of existence.

It is an argument to lay the blame at the door of our collective Gaia-hyperpersonality for the fatal sin of vanity. That equals to an accusation of animalism, of regrettably animalistic stress laid on our common existence. The majority of our self-assessments as humans are vain and empty, because are absent any proof of rightness of such  statements and there is only so called 'evidence', which itself is in its depth not…evident. Maybe namely this causes us the most unpleasant troubles in all directions of our, so to speak, "independent" evolution. I repeat: the laws of the Being, relating to all types of formulas of existence ("species") of live and dead (in that case - conditionally) nature, prescribe to humans to not be animals. And that means - to be as anthropic as possible, maximally developing the common and individual anthropic space and… for this job to attain the best thinkable awards!

The anthropic space is alive in horizontal historisation of vertically situated cultural thesaurus. Its life becomes apparent in reality of our anthropic experiences.

In this sense one may consider the quantity of anthropity as directly depending on his coming in touch with attractors, developed and ever continuing to develop in some subtle skills. This is keeping body and soul of anthropic organism together. Did I make a slip in speaking?.. No, indeed. The "Psychosomatic" as such is in the lower layer of our existence just under the layer of anthropity, which correlates with  "body and soul" as with its subordinates.

Skills are total. And for the humans is better to consciously work at them, because of dehumanising character of "automatic" life and somewhat activity of human. Therefore the optimal decision to come to is persistence in watching over processes of main and secondary skills.    Skills are inseparable from its attractors, quantity of which grows correspondingly to growing of these skills. Since this place is not a proper one to analyse the properties of macro- and microattractors, I  only shall add that theattractors can be multiplied up many times by development and broadening of anthropic space. This creates the general attractiveness of a human life. Thus, we must to maintain the evolving of anthropic space in order to have the possibility of our existence. In spite of common opinion, for sustaining of life beside the sustenance is necessary a simple attractiveness of existence, which is indivisible with its hedonism, the thoroughness of its big and small joys and delights. Those predetermine not only "climate" within the anthropic space but also its own being about! We are making living not solely from bread, really, but also from now this now that pleasure. Without anthropic pleasures the anthropic world is unimaginable. But regrettably the mass of animalistic pleasures prevails. It's not  difficult to deduce the statement that according with our vision of the Being animalistic hedonism of humans is being coherently condemned and eliminated. Anybody wishing to stay in pleasurableness of anthropity has to evince an intentional or unintentional strictness. As to long term uninterruptedly functioning strictness, everybody could confirm that it might exist uniquely provided with a help of intentional support.

Now we can try to construct a formula that expresses mentioned interdependencies. Together with my assistant Yelena Shmelkova (a little later Sasha Kotchetov has joint us) we have been written the following equation:

Formula of anthropity1a.gif (1144 bytes)

(Picture 5: Formula of anthropity1)


A -quantity of anthropity;
a - energy of attractors during a given period of time;
S - quantity of strictness.

But this experiment has seemed to me as not leading to the needed math adequacy with my corresponding wording: I viewed the right side as a function of the left that is yet at the same time derivative of his own function. The formula 2 has appeared, simplifying everything:

Formula of anthropity2.gif (1077 bytes)

(Picture 6: Formula of anthropity 2)


A -quantity of anthropity;
a - energy of attractors (or summed up attractions)
           during a given period of time;
S - quantity of strictness.

The quantity of attractors less than 3 is, seemingly, impossible in reality, at least because of multi-sensorial essence of our perception - something attractive is deconstructed pending the experiences of the attracting would not produces the sub-attractors in accordance with all of pleasures for different receptors ("delight for eyes", "joy for hearing" , " pleasure for mind" etc.). But about it we, hopefully, have a little talk later…


[end of chapter 4]

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