THE INTEGRITY PAPERS - James N. Rose Genre Group -VAKourinsky


Valery Kourinsky

Chapter 2


Now we may to point a magnifying lens at a filter itself. As we may see looking at the Picture 2, the first stage of filtration process consists of the functioning of vanity. It is the very feeling-thought that by natural cause appears simultaneously with every perception of emotion of consciousness - "Yes, I am alive! Yes, I am continuing life! That's me again, who is being! Etc." 

Filter.gif (3893 bytes)

Vanity is indispensable on the level of animal self-perception. Without vanity is impossible, thus, the second stage of filtration. We  are not able to become more anthropic not being flashily self-perceived as primary flesh- platform! Every time we think about somewhat we have the same beginning by its switching on. Straggling against it, therefore, is straggling against… natural thinking, that is escaping to the frustrated space of "abstractism", in a desert of mental anorexia. But we need to have only flash of vanity, only faintly perceptible tiniest while of it. The slightest delay threatens with a derangement of all transition toward anthropic fraction of existence.

The second stage of filtrating process is realised by the conscience, which we suppose here to be a "dispersed, non-compact organ", the physiology of working mechanism of which is to be studied and accurately investigated within the nearest time. The conscience is exclusively anthropic phenomenon, and, applying our principle of inevitability of physiological parallelism to each possible human experience; variability of the latter is a measure of individual development and the main determinative factor and, of course, human behaviour.

The existence of the ventromedial region of frontal cortex as a unique centre of the very human and only human experiences of life-style and manners explains to us a great deal. Firstly, the human brain, as it turned out, has some key distinctions from the brain of animals, and importance of that fact is exceptional, in spite of the relatively little quantitative parameter of this difference. "The education" of this ventromedial cortex, growing of necessary neurones and axons, chemical and leptonic changes are absolutely impossible without participation of "our dispersed organ", because all of the manner features being social by definition are connected ultimately with our conscience. Secondly, we may speak about arrangement of conflicts appearing between consciousness and subconsciousness, can to plan and construct the future influence of acquired physiological apparatus as well as its properties, which are in optimal version of their development an evidence of anthropity.

In one word, we may to hope for the substantial changes in educative sphere, in social consciousness and so on. So far yet this place is not appropriate one for discussing the approaches of applying of all this. Later we'll return to the problems of application. Now we should see the new ways to arranging our inner problems, to settling our nerves and soul and creating an actually ever-aiming-to-boon internal atmosphere. But we have too much superstition, too much old "evidences" that were deep rooted in our subconsciousness, the cargo of which does not allow us to option a new more correct direction. And we continue to make a hash of our existence.  

In this chapter the physiological carrierness for our mental experiences together with so called metaphysical phenomena is to underline once more. The existence of a material places that are parallel to the spaces of honesty or dishonesty, beauty or ugliness must be at least suspected by attentive observer. For me it is simply evident. And in the single bur not too rare cases it is confirmed with scientific proofs, though very often the discovery made, e.g., by the neurophysiologists are explained out-of-dately by them playing a seemingly easy part of philosopher or, alas, even by the thinkers-professionals.

The particularities about role of ventromedial organ (as I'd like to qualify it) owe their appearance in the centre of scientific attention to Antonio Damasio, who honestly used surgeon's opportunity to tell out later his point of view on the pages of a philosophical book, "Descartes' error". There he probably very skilfully and charismatically analysing the sense of this discovery discloses the well known Cartesian idea of 'homunculus', metaphysical essence that as if governs the brain processes inside of a brain. Scientist, which invites us to celebrate actually the finish of a whole era of dualism, does not have a smallest wish to notify the fairy-like widening of human mental space or, better to say a discovery of anthropic space and the exit from an animalistic larder in a boundless. But this latter is not deprived of a ineradicable metaphysics! This boundless is bound-less, unlimited thanks to dualism of dialectical essence of our mental existence. It turns out that homunculus still is existing as idea, because we are not able to think without reduction, though by now there is essential difference: I, while thinking, can to catch by my consciousness this natural deed of my cognitive engine and return to the original integrity the morphologised structure that has not a smallest hope be born without this 'fuel' of temporary divergence, as if deranging of the natural which is ever existing as a whole in the Wholeness.

So we have again and again only a more precise definition of an old situation with homunculus. In general, we are uninterruptedly coming across with this phenomenon whatever cognitive pathway we choose. 

There are two important properties of our comprehension of the Being that are inevitable and forever granted to us - these are the structure, formula and the morphology, material embodiment merged in the operational act of our thought. The consciousness is a specific emotion, a laboratory glassware to be filled with reagents. Combination of formula and matter constitutes our human reality and that is the determinative factor for the all kinds of behaviour without exception. Perception of humans depends on metaphysical…physics of ventromedial region of frontal cortex from where they receive concrete morphologised formulas of anthropity.


[end of chapter 2]

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