Links to Integral Yoga WWW Sites

Integral Yoga Web Site (Jim Hurley). The Integral Yoga Web Site is devoted to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

Sri Aurobindo

There are several short biographical documents available on Sri Aurobindo, such as the few short paragraphs available from, a holistic health journal and directory; part 1 and part 2 of a biography that appeared in Hinduism Today; and a review in Dutch of Peter Heeh's biography. The conclusion of the Hinduism Today series is really a short article on the Integral Yoga.


Auroville's home page is the first place to start when looking for information on the international city. Hinduism Today has an article on Auroville (which is partly a continuation of the articles on Sri Aurobindo): ( part 1 and part 2).

For information on the local projects, you can try Reforesting the Wastelands, by Stephanie Mills, which appeared in Earth Island Journal. For a wider perspective on the whole community, try The Planetary City, an article by Ron Jorgenson, which appeared in the journal In Context. There is a single page article from We the People communities, and several paragraphs about Auroville in the 1996 World Goodwill newsletter.

Related Communities

The Delhi Branch of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram has its own web page, with a calendar of all the special days, including darshan days.

The Gnostic Centre in Delhi, India, has a listing of its workshops.

Auroville International in Germany has a small contact page with phone numbers and addresses.

East-West Cultural Center in Los Angeles, California includes a biography of Jyoti Priya, its founder; a schedule of events; and an online bookshop.

The Cultural Integral Fellowship in San Francisco, California also has an online bookshop and a schedule of activities.