
Annex 1. Members advisory board character sets
Annex 2. Rules for the use of the IJ
Annex 3. List of ISO standards in the field of coded character sets
Annex 4. Letters For Europe, report on the characters used in the various European languages
Annex 5. Contents of the character sets ISO/IEC 8859-1/6, with code and names of characters, ordered to code
Annex 6. Characters from ISO 6937 not included in ISO 8859
Annex 7. The Atlantic Subset of ISO/IEC 10646-1, in the form of a standard, based on the Repertoire of ISO 6937, with code in ISO/IEC 10646. Annex 8. A Transformation Scheme
Annex 9. Map of Europe, with indication of the areas of application of LATIN-1 (vertical grading) en LATIN-2 (horizontal grading)
Annex 10. Some keyboards (due to M. Claerhout, IBM Belgium)
Annex 11. Codetables from ISO/IEC 8859-1/9 and 6937 and some industrial codetables (IBM EBCDIC, DEC, HP, IBM PC CP 437, CP 850 and Apple)