"I love you" Collection

This collection is intended to invite all Internautes to create a piece of native space at any Server in the Global CyberSpace. Visit this page and furnish small corner for your future return on your native island everywhere.

As I understand, our language and our words is the best subjects for exchange in emerging Information Exchange Age.

"I love you" Collection is the first step for multilingual expression of our best filling.

Who knows, maybe just this phrase will play the key role in somebody's fate.

Sory, for some possible mistakes - I'll appreciate any correction. 

Original - I love you [English]

Russian - Ya tebya lyublyu
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kokhayu
Polish - Koham tebe
German -
.... ....

Original - You are exciting [English]

(for girls)

Russian - Ty neotrazima
Ukrainian - Ty nepereveshena
German -
.... ....

Original - You are greate [English]

(for men)

Russian - Ty nepodrazhayem
Ukrainian - Ty nepovtorniy
French -
German -
.... ....

Your contribution [I love you, You are exiting, You are great, ...]:
Mail to editor directly

[National Language Spelling]
[English Transcription]

Thank you for your contribution.

Now we are developing multilingual storage of the collection using UCS/UTF8 encoding. So, you'll need Universal Character Set support - read about it.

So, visit later and we instruct you about multilingual browsing and displaying.