IANA and RIPE Documents
IP Address Registration and TLD Management

RIPE Documents Store

Local Internet Registry

ripe-183    RIPE NCC Request Tracking and Ticketing 
ripe-170    RIPE NCC Consistency & Auditing Activity 
ripe-160    Guidelines for Setting up a Local Internet Registry at the RIPE NCC (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-159   European Internet Registry Policies and Procedures (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-155    Temporary Special Guidelines for Allocation and Assignment of former class A addresses. (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-154    RIPE NCC Local IR Training Policies 
ripe-152    Charging by Local Internet Registries. (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-147    European Autonomous System Number Application Form and Supporting Notes (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-142    Supporting Notes for the European IP Address Space Request Form (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-141    European IP Address Space Request Form (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-127    Provider Independent vs Provider Aggregatable Address Space. (Local Copy FYI)

ripe-178 RIPE Routing-WG Recommendation for coor dinated route-flap damping parameters (Local Copy FYI)

List of Ukrainian Autonomous Systems

RIPE Database 
ripe-182    Experimental Objects and attributes for the Routing Registry (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-181    Representation of IP Routing Policies in a Routing Registry (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-157    Introduction to the use of the RIPE Database (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-131    The Advisory Attribute of the route object (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-120    Authorisation and Notification of Changes in the RIPE Database 
ripe-119    Syntax for the representation for Internet network numbers and associated contact persons (Local Copy FYI)
ripe-049    RIPE Database Template for Domains 

DNS and TLD Administration

RFC 1591. Domain Name System Structure and Delegation (Local copy)
RIPE-114. Taking Care of Your Domain- RIPE Recommendation (Local Copy FYI)

DNS Related RFC's

1998. Compiled by Yu.Demchenko