Copyright Notice
Web Project FiberNL: Internet Technology: Laying down Dark Fibre in Amsterdam, NL

This project has been undertaken initiatively (however, the initial idea is credited to Kees Neggers, SURFnet) to make available for the Internet community visual information about remarkable and unique project on building Dark Fiber infrastructure in Amsterdam, NL since 1999.

The intention is to make information useful both for advanced networking countries and for countries which still foresee their major step in building modern optical infrastructure in the future.

Images format

Most of images are made by Digital camera Kodak DC280 with the best resolution.
Original images are stored as 2 Megapixels images with resolution 300 dpi.
Web images has two formats: 200 pixels wide and 600 pixels wide.

Conditions for use of images

The use of web images is free without notice.
Reference to the original FiberNL site ( is required.

Single original images of your choice are available free on your request and normally has printing/publishing quality.

Royalties are appreciated.

CD with FiberNL website copy

On special conditions CD with FiberNL website copy may be available both with Original images and without.
This is the subject for separate negotiations.


Credits for the initial idea of this seria and the site is given to Kees Neggers, SURFnet, General manager who was in 1999 one of the initiators of building new fiber optic infrastructure in The Netherlands.

Copyright © 2000-2002. Pictures by Yuri Demchenko. Copyright Notice