Communication and Erotic Touch - a Practice

by Suzie

This exercise will be both sensually fun and a learning experience. It's a partner experience. Please devote at least an hour to each of you.

Set an erotic, sensual scene by lighting a few strategically placed candles. Put a little scent of some sort out in the room. Perhaps flowers, massage oil and something liquid to drink would be needed. Make sure the room is warm. Have everything you will require so neither of you will have to go get it later.

This is a practice in sensual touch and will be accompanied by a simple but powerful communication technique.

Essentially, you will be asking for different kinds of touch. This will be a practice in learning what you like, how to ask for it and training your partner in what you like. This is hard for some of us. Feeling worthy of asking for intimacy and having someone honor that request is tough in this modern world of independent thinkers. We often need to bring a little more humility and vulnerability into our lives. When we reveal ourselves in that way we sometimes find our partner seeing more beauty in us than ever before.

The communication piece goes like this:

1st) Make a positive statement about the touch you are currently getting. Keep it simple. "I love the way you focus when you touch me." or "I love the way you use your finger tips when you touch my face."

2nd) Ask for a change. Keep this simple, also. "Would you please use a little more pressure." or "Would you try that a little faster to see how it feels?"

3rd) When they respond, thank them. "Thank you, that feels great." or "Mmmm...That's great." Anything in a positive tone will do. That doesn't mean you necessarily liked the change. It's OK to say: 'Wow. I thought I'd like that but I was wrong. Thank you for helping me learn that about myself." or something like that.

This is an activity you can come back to over and over. It can get ever more detailed and precise. Practicing clear communications in this fun way will help in those times when it's more difficult to communicate. If your partner is quieter than you use positive messages to encourage them to speak. If that description fits you better than them, try to find the courage to ask them to encourage you. This is meant to be FUN and erotic! Keep it light and have good discoveries about your partner and yourself. We can always learn more every time we do this!

Some hints about touch:
-There are many esoteric ways to kiss, touch with hands, with feet, with other body parts. Charles and Caroline Muir teach a technique that refers to the Lingam (Penis) as a wand or paint brush that "paints" and strokes the outside of the Yoni (Vaginal opening).
-Remember light biting, sucking, nibbling and blowing. These modalities can be applied to lips, breasts, toes, creases in the knee and elbows and......
-Ladies, fingernails are useful. If yours are short try some fake ones for an evening!
-Please don't rush, take your time.
-You're welcome to use feathers, fur, velvet, silk, flower petals or anything you feel might enhance your experience.
-Have fun.