Expanding Our Neural Connections
by Suzie


Here's a fun and valuable practice that can be done over and over with ever-expanding results.

Set the scene, as always....candles, nibbles, drink, sensual music, you know the rest. This is an exercise in training our secondary and tertiary erogenous zones. We're going to wake them up and turn them on!

This is a practice of touch and enhancement. Loving touch combined with communication to enhance our sensual perception and expand our capacity for pleasure. It will involve direct sexual activity. (By the way, you can do this practice by yourself. You will have to self pleasure with one hand and stimulate the other erogenous zones with the other.)

The training idea behind this practice is to make deeper, and in some cases, new connections between the excitement you feel in your genital area with other areas of your body. For instance, lets take a basic example. Let's connect your Yoni, Sanskrit for Vagina, with your nipples. You would stimulate your Yoni to the point of arousal and then begin to simultaneously stimulate your nipples in whatever way you like. If a partner is doing this you could use the simple communication exercise we taught in the last newsletter. In review, it is as follows:
1st) Make a positive statement about the touch you are currently getting. Keep it simple. "I love the way you focus when you touch me." or "I love the way you use your finger tips when you touch my face."

2nd) Ask for a change. Keep this simple, also. "Would you please use a little more pressure." or "Would you try that a little faster to see how it feels?"

3rd) When they respond, thank them. "Thank you, that feels great." or "Mmmm...That's great." Anything in a positive tone will do. That doesn't mean you necessarily liked the change. It's OK to say: "Wow. I thought I'd like that but I was wrong. Thank you for helping me learn that about myself." or something like that. Keep this FUN and light.

Back to the practice. Remember to breath fully into your belly. Keep the stimulation up. Take it to the arousal point and then some. Breath in the ecstatic energy. Have a couple of peaks with this combination of zones. Men, obviously, the Lingam (Sanskrit for Penis) is being stimulated in addition to the nipples. Next, continue the genital stimulation how ever you like it and switch to another erogenous zone. There is a list below for some suggestions. All the time connecting each new area with the direct genital excitement.

What we're doing here is enhancing the feelings of the secondary (second degree) and tertiary (third degree) erogenous zones. With enough positive feedback, these areas can be trained to FEEL more, much more. It is even conceivable to reach orgasm by having just your nipples sucked if they've been trained properly! And, as some of you might imagine, the possibilities are endless. When the breath is connected to this practice, it too can be used as the vehicle to orgasm. Eventually, it will be possible to simply breath the way you did during this exercise and reach orgasm. This is not far-fetched. I have been able to achieve this with a little practice. Can you imagine how beneficial this will be in helping to achieve an orgasm WITH genital stimulation!

Here's a list to consider of other erogenous areas:
Inner and outer thighs
Neck areas
Down your sides from under your arms to your hips
Back of the knees
Inside the elbows

The last part I'd like you to think about is the connection between the genitals and the seven chakras. In particular the Heart Chakra (fourth) and the Third Eye Chakra (sixth). As the genitals are being stimulated place a hand on the chakra of your choice. Breath love deeply into it. Both men and women, but particularly men, need a lot of connection between the genitals and the Heart Chakra. Connecting these two areas can bring immense healing to the person experiencing the new connection. Think of the possibility of having a pure Heart Orgasm. No stimulation needed! The same applies to the Third Eye, our seat of wisdom. Bringing our sexual Chi energy to our Third Eye strengthens our awareness and will expand our consciousness. And what a great way to get there! Enjoy!