The following is a segment from a copyrighted article written by Carolyn Sikes and is used with permission of the author. DHE or Design Human Engineering(tm) is used with expressed, written permission of Dr. Richard Bandler.
DHE(tm) or Design Human Engineering(tm) is the synthesis of the past 10 years of developments and research in the field of NLP by the developer, Richard Bandler.
As one of the newest and most promising developments in the field, DHE(tm) answers the question, "What more is possible?". First, the new model makes what we already know in NLP simpler, more condensed, and more effective by providing a means of organizing simultaneous elicitation and sequential installation. Second, the DHE(tm) model accepts NLP principles of problem solving, yet it brings us to the edge of true evolutionary and generative change; perhaps even delving into the cellular and chemical level. Simply stated, it provides a holistic approach to lifestyle change instead of remedial change or solution-specific outcomes.
While much of NLP training separates out the different tools, DHE(tm) training involves the entire tool box, and teaches how each of the models operate independently and together. The student of DHE(tm) learns to use something called the Design Perceptual Grid(tm). This grid provides a means of mentally organizing all of the NLP tools into a holistic view. Meta Programs, Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, Submodalities, TimeLines, etc. are elicited and manipulated simultaneously. It makes sense to utilize these elements at the same time because they already naturally operate in this fashion within people, not separately.
The main purpose of DHE(tm) training is to set directions, rather than establish outcomes. The direction enables an individual to realize their outcomes while continually moving toward overall well being. By organizing the direction instead of the outcome, the entire orientation of the person shifts in an ecological way so that the focus is on the positive, rather than the negative. Each person becomes the designer or architect of themselves. It is no longer necessary to unearth resources and reframe past traumatic episodes. Instead, the concentration is on designing, then Installing everything the person needs to get them where they want to go.
Precise, careful design and Installation of Resources, Beliefs, Values, MetaPrograms and Strategies is a critical factor in creating direction and movement within the person. We use the brain's natural archival process to install the information in the same way the brain learns a new phone number. The old number is never erased, but once the brain learns the new sequence, it stops accessing the old number and re-routes to the new number. The new sequence has a higher 'signal value' and it becomes the dominant force or direction.
In contrast to NLP training, DHE(tm) training starts out with the kinesthetic system - building powerful new states and feelings. Much of NLP training in the past relied on the visual system. In DHE(tm), we install machine-like devices inside the mind that create new states (ones never experienced before) and then tie these states to visual representations.
The most misunderstood rep system is the auditory system. In NLP, we changed a nagging voice by turning it down, or changing it to sound like Micky Mouse. In DHE(tm), we enhance the auditory system by creating and installing 3-dimensional holographic sound needed for motivation and enduring change. The problem that most people have is NOT that they have the little voice, it's that they don't have enough voices and sounds inside their heads in order to really get them moving. This is why the training environment looks more like a sound recording studio than a seminar room. The auditory training requires the use of sound systems, high quality headphones, DAT (Digital Audio Technology) players, voice training systems, and a variety of other 'high tech toys'.
Using this equipment, we explore how universal sounds actually move the submodalities as well as locations and location angles. This allows the DHE(tm) Engineer, like an architect, to design and install monstrous propulsion systems with incredibly high 'signal value' that set the person moving in the direction they want to go.
In addition to the kinesthetic and auditory systems, both internal and external visual perception is enhanced through DHE(tm). For example, one process that is taught in the DHE(tm) program is building real, outer world hallucinations - exploring trance phenomena to develop our visual system. Along the same lines, we use the Advanced Calibration System(tm) to actually view how Submodalities, Beliefs, and TimeLines are represented 3-dimensionally around an individual.
DHE(tm) teaches people how to use their brains similar to the way in which Nicola Tesla did. Tesla was a brilliant electrical engineer who invented the Niagara power system that made Edison's system obsolete, sold Westinghouse 40 patents that broke a General Electric monopoly, discovered the radio methods that Marconi built into a fortune, built a radio-guided torpedo before Ford made the first car, and many other patents and inventions which are still little understood by today's scientific community.
Tesla had the ability to hallucinate a machine he wanted to build. He would set the machine in motion and let it run for a period of time. He then would make exact measurements, notice which parts worked and which parts wore out, replace them, and build the machine to spec without blueprints!
In this way, DHE(tm) teaches people to create 'blueprints' inside their minds similar to Tesla. Blueprints should not be confused with Strategies. Strategies are not taught or modeled in DHE(tm) because most strategies have flaws in them. Instead, the DHE(tm) student learns to design and install all of the elements needed to propel them into the future. They take responsibility for their own evolution, and begin to develop their mental organization in a new way .
The students even begin to explore the cellular and hormonal level by discovering how feelings, sounds and pictures release specific chemicals needed in our bodies to promote health and longevity. An introduction to this possibility comes in the form of teaching the students to re-activate past drug-induced states (everything from alcohol to pain-killers). What occurs is a way of consciously creating the placebo effect.
In all these ways, DHE(tm) goes beyond problem solving and improved communication. It's a means of taking direct responsibility for evolving ourselves and our minds. It's about absolute precision and having the mind set to make life the most ecstatic experience it can be. It's taking the person who's outlook is grim and NOT fixing him (a basic NLP presupposition that seems to be forgotten), but to design with and for him an outlook on life that propels him into excitement and opportunity.
Creativity, wisdom, understanding, and a tenacious attitude make life what it is meant to be. DHE(tm) is about magnifying, enhancing and evolving our own neural mechanism in ways we never before thought possible. It promises the first practical holographic model of a person's universe, in much the same way as NLP provided us with the first practical model for change. The development of DHE(tm) has taken the field of NLP into truly learning to use our brains for a change. Be warned however, it is not for whiners, rule makers, new technique searchers, or info junkies. DHE(tm) is for those of us who want a true brain work-out to explore the untold millions of possibilities that exist.
Rex Steven Sikes on Design Human Engineering(tm)
Copyright © 1994 IDEA Seminars.
DHE(tm) is used with express written permission of Dr. Richard Bandler