Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Sturucture (8)

Directions: The questions here test your knowledge of the grammatical structure of English. Each question consists of a short written conversation, part of which has been omitted. Four words or phrases, labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. You are to choose the word or phrase that will correctly complete the conversation. Click the answer button to see the correct answer. If you need a hint, press the arrow button next to the hint.

Look at the example.

"Why do you always want to use _____ pens?"

1) to one
2) of my
3) that my
4) one of my

We would say: "Why do you always want to use one of my pens?" Therefore you should press "4."

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. Why don't you try to come home _____ 7 o'clock?
    1) by
    2) under
    3) until
    4) up to

  2. My parents _____ to ABC Country Club for five years.
    1) was belonging
    2) have belonged
    3) has been belonged
    4) has belonging

  3. Portuguese is _____ Spanish.
    1) similar
    2) similar from
    3) similar to
    4) similar with

  4. My youngest sister _____ last spring.
    1) marriaged
    2) got married
    3) got marriaged
    4) was married to

  5. Butter is _____ milk.
    1) made by
    2) made of
    3) made from
    4) made with

  6. "Was it necessary for him to take off his hat in that case?"
    "Yes, he _____ take off his hat."
    1) must
    2) has to
    3) have to
    4) had to

  7. You'd better leave now, _____ you'll miss the train.
    1) if else
    2) or else
    3) or not
    4) unless

  8. "Why did you use the screwdriver?"
    "I used it _____ I could fix the radio."
    1) because
    2) in which
    3) so which
    4) so that

  9. How do you say "dog" _____ Japanese?
    1) by
    2) in
    3) on
    4) with

  10. Our teacher _____ clean the windows.
    1) had us
    2) had us to
    3) us had
    4) us to

  11. "Could you do me a favor?"
    "I'm sorry. I _____."
    1) am hurry
    2) am in a hurry
    3) have a hurry
    4) am hurried

  12. Would you care for _____ cigarette?
    1) another
    2) more
    3) one other
    4) some more

  13. I'm right, _____?
    1) isn't I
    2) am not I
    3) amn't I
    4) aren't I

  14. _____ who seek for treasure will find it.
    1) Anyone
    2) These
    3) Those
    4) Them

  15. We have much to _____ today, so please cooperate, and we can finish the meeting early.
    1) discuss
    2) discuss about
    3) discuss over
    4) discuss with

  16. The sun _____ at six o'clock yesterday.
    1) set
    2) setted
    3) has set
    4) had setted

  17. I _____ finish my homework before dinner yesterday.
    1) able to
    2) was able to
    3) could be
    4) could have

  18. _____ would you like to have?
    1) These of which
    2) What of these
    3) Any of these
    4) Which of these

  19. I'll finish my work by five and _____ home.
    1) go to
    2) go back
    3) come to
    4) come back to

  20. My sister plays _____.
    1) the piano very well
    2) very good the piano
    3) the piano very good
    4) very well the piano

  21. Linda _____ in Japan.
    1) growed
    2) grew up
    3) grown up
    4) was grown up

  22. What _____?
    1) means this word
    2) does this word meaning
    3) is this word meaning
    4) does this word mean

  23. "Which horse came in first?"
    "That black one _____."
    1) has
    2) is
    3) was
    4) did

  24. I couldn't find _____ your question.
    1) an answer to
    2) an answer
    3) answering
    4) to answer

  25. Lincoln lived in _____.
    1) the nineteenth century
    2) nineteen centuries
    3) nineteen century
    4) century the nineteenth

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao
