Grammar Review No. 7

These are review exercises of English grammar. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence. Work as fast as you can.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. "Are you thinking about going to Europe for your vacation?"
    "No, but if I _____ money, I would definitely go."
    l. have
    2. had
    3. have had
    4. would have

  2. "It's really raining."
    "Yes. If the weather _____, we'll have to give up camping."
    1. would get worse
    2. get worse
    3. might get worse
    4. should get worse

  3. "Why did you send me only twenty dollars?"
    "Sorry. If I had had more money, I _____ given you more."
    1. will have
    2. would
    3. would have
    4. have

  4. "My boss always gives me a hard time."
    "If I were you, I _____ quit the job."
    1. will
    2. would
    3. must
    4. just

  5. "My car broke down, when I was about to leave home, and I took a taxi."
    "_____, we would have picked you up."
    1. If you had called us
    2. If you called us
    3. Have you called us
    4. If you did call us

  6. "Do you need help with your English?"
    "If I did, I _____ you."
    1. would ask
    2. ask
    3. will ask
    4. asked

  7. "I'm very hungry, but I have a lot of work to do."
    "_____ what you want for lunch, and I'll get it for you."
    1. Tell me
    2. You will tell to me
    3. If you did tell me
    4. If you say to me

  8. "Mary went to hospital alone."
    "If _____, I would have taken her there."
    1. had she told me
    2. she has told me
    3. she had told me
    4. she would tell me

  9. "It started raining."
    "_____, we won't be able to finish this game."
    1. If it stopped
    2. Unless it stops
    3. Should it stop
    4. If it didn't stop

  10. "Did you go camping last weekend?"
    "No. We would have gone, _____ nicer."
    1. had the weather been
    2. would the weather be
    3. if the weather has been
    4. if the weather might be

  11. This room is smoky. I wish you _____ smoking.
    1. would stop
    2. have stopped
    3. stop
    4. stopping

  12. "Rick often makes me mad."
    "He makes many people mad. I wish he _____ more polite."
    1. is
    2. will be
    3. were
    4. has been

  13. "Did you go to Europe last winter?"
    "Yes, but I wish I _____ in the summer when the days were longer."
    1. have gone
    2. went
    3. go
    4. had gone

  14. "Would you like to eat out tonight?"
    "I wish I _____, but I have to prepare my speech for tomorrow."
    1. did
    2. would
    3. had
    4. could

  15. "Did you see Taro before he left for the United States?"
    "No. I wish I _____ him."
    l. saw
    2. have seen
    3. would see
    4. had seen

  16. It's noisy here. John, I wish you _____ the stereo.
    1. turn down
    2. would turn down
    3. have turned down
    4. having turned down

  17. "Ellen was telling the truth about it."
    "I wish I _____ her before now."
    1. believe
    2. have believed
    3. would believe
    4. had believed

  18. "Mr. Brown has ten brothers and sisters."
    "No wonder he wishes he _____ many children. He is lonely without any."
    1. had
    2. will have
    3. have
    4. do have

  19. "Ichiro will go back to Japan."
    "I wish it _____ so far away."
    1. weren't
    2. couldn't be
    3. isn't
    4. won't be

  20. "Maybe Jack will get good grades this semester."
    "I wish he _____."
    1. does
    2. brings it
    3. will
    4. would

  21. "What do you think about the idea Sam proposed?"
    "I'm opposed _____ it."
    1. for
    2. from
    3. to
    4. by

  22. "They should not go out in such heavy snow."
    "They went because Dick insisted _____ going."
    1. on
    2. to
    3. with
    4. about

  23. "I'll make a cake for the party."
    "I'm responsible _____ drinks."
    1. of
    2. with
    3. for
    4. to

  24. "What was your impression _____ that concert?"
    "I thought it was great."
    1. of
    2. to
    3. with
    4. at

  25. "John looked worried."
    "He's faced _____ many problems."
    1. to
    2. about
    3. with
    4. by

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao