Grammar Review No. 3

These are review exercises of English grammar. Read the questions carefully, and choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence. Work as fast as you can.

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. "Which dress do you think I should wear to the date?"
    "I like the red one _____ the others."
    1) more as
    2) more than
    3) more
    4) better

  2. "Mary and Cathy are very _____ each other."
    "Yes, I'm not surprised that they often argue each other."
    1) different about
    2) as different as
    3) different from
    4) different than

  3. "How tall is Jack?"
    "He's _____ as I am."
    1) as same height
    2) higher
    3) the same height
    4) so tall

  4. "I've got only twenty dollars."
    "I think I have _____ money than you."
    1) least
    2) fewest
    3) less
    4) fewer

  5. "This soup is very hot."
    "The _____ better."
    1) hotter the
    2) hottest
    3) hotter
    4) hot the

  6. "Jeff and Bill are smart."
    "Yes, but Betty is _____ of the three."
    1) the smarter
    2) the smartest
    3) smartest
    4) smarter

  7. The harder we tried to solve the riddle, _____.
    1) we got more confused
    2) the more confused we got
    3) we got so confused
    4) the most we got confused

  8. "Why are you moving?"
    "Because our new house is _____ to the office than the old one."
    1) as close
    2) closer
    3) close
    4) closest

  9. Ice cream has about _____ calories as three glasses of milk.
    1) so many
    2) so much
    3) as many
    4) so much

  10. This reproduction looks _____ the original painting.
    1) like
    2) similar
    3) alike
    4) exact like

  11. "Did you study late last night?"
    "Yes, I did. But I _____."
    1) may not have
    2) mustn't have
    3) mustn't
    4) shouldn't have

  12. "When do you think John will come?"
    "He _____ to be here any minute now."
    1) will
    2) have
    3) ought
    4) must

  13. "Have you ever played majong?"
    "Yes, as a matter of fact, we _____ all the time when I went to college."
    1) would have played
    2) should have played
    3) used to play it
    4) must have played

  14. "I couldn't go to class yesterday, because my car broke down."
    "You _____ mine. I wasn't using it."
    1) could borrow
    2) may borrow
    3) could have borrowed
    4) may have borrowed

  15. "Did you go to a movie last night?"
    "Yes, but I _____ home."
    1) would rather have stayed
    2) would rather stayed
    3) would stay
    4) would rather stay

  16. Tom _____ to finish his homework tomorrow morning because the deadline is tomorrow noon.
    1) have
    2) must
    3) need
    4) is going

  17. "Are you going fishing this weekend, too?"
    "Yes, but I have so much work to do that I _____ stay home."
    1) may have
    2) will
    3) should
    4) can

  18. "I'm looking for someone to help me carry this baggage."
    "I _____ be glad to help you."
    1) will
    2) should
    3) can
    4) have to

  19. "_____ to finish her Ph.D. by the end of this year?"
    "Yes, or they will cut off her financial assistance."
    1) Will Kathy
    2) Does Kathy have
    3) Shouldn't Kathy
    4) Must Kathy

  20. "Do you like to play ping-pong?"
    "I _____, but now I prefer tennis."
    1) used to doing
    2) used to playing
    3) used to played
    4) used to

  21. "Which do you prefer--the blue vase or red vase?"
    "The blue vase is _____."
    1) definitely better
    2) better definitely
    3) definite better
    4) better definite

  22. "Were you pleased with her typing?"
    "Yes, the job was _____."
    1) surprising good
    2) surprisingly good
    3) surprising well
    4) surprisingly well

  23. "I had a hard time taking notes on Professor Johnson's lecture."
    "I did too. He spoke _____."
    1) exceeding fast
    2) exceedingly fastly
    3) exceedingly fast
    4) with exceedingly fast

  24. "What a nice fireplace you have."
    "I like my house _____ during the winter."
    1) warmly and comfortably
    2) warmly and comfortable
    3) warm and comfortably
    4) warm and comfortable

  25. "What was your impression of last night's movie?"
    "_____ speaking, I thought it was rather boring."
    1) Honest
    2) Honestly
    3) Frank
    4) Really

by Kenji Kitao & S. Kathleen Kitao