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  1. He's a very difficult person to deal with. He doesn't get ______ with anybody in the office.
    a. through
    b. off
    c. on
  2. I tried to phone you earlier but your line was continually engaged and I couldn't get ______ .
    a. through
    b. around
    c. into
  3. This meeting is taking far too long. Couldn't we try to get ______ the items a bit faster?
    a. over
    b. through
    c. with
  4. Why do you always arrive late? I don't see why you cannot get ______ for 8.00 like the rest of us do.
    a. outside
    b. into
    c. in
  5. He really irritates me. Every time he starts talking in a meeting it really gets ______ me.
    a. to
    b. towards
    c. underneath
  6. We need to change things here. I'm going to get ______ an outside consultant to look at our planning systems.
    a. from
    b. on
    c. in
  7. He's always criticizing me. He never stops getting ______ me.
    a. at
    b. from
    c. with
  8. I really should talk to Jim about his drinking problem but I'm finding it hard to get ______ the courage.
    a. to
    b. from
    c. up
  9. I know I shouldn't let it upset me but her aggressive behaviour gets ______ me after a while.
    a. to
    b. off
    c. on
  10. Could we please concentrate on the item on the agenda and stop getting ______ the subject?
    a. off
    b. on
    c. around
  11. I'm sorry I don't understand what you are trying to say. I'm not clear exactly what you are getting ______ .
    a. in
    b. at
    c. with
  12. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to get ______ dealing with that yet.
    a. under
    b. around to
    c. on
  13. I'm sure that Simon will not be too happy about this but Kate, with all her charm, will be able to get ______ him.
    a. round
    b. in
    c. through
  14. Look it was great meeting you but I must fly. We must get ______ again soon.
    a. off
    b. on
    c. together
  15. I've got lots of work to do but I just can't get ______ to it.
    a. down
    b. with
    c. into
  16. How are you getting ______ in your new job?
    a. up
    b. on
    c. together
  17. Caroline never seems to do much work. I don't know how she gets ______ it.
    a. on
    b. under
    c. away with
  18. I don't really keep very fit but I try to get ______ the occasional round of golf.
    a. in
    b. towards
    c. together
  19. It's not the best salary in the world but I'll be able to get ______ on it.
    a. with
    b. by
    c. towards
  20. I thought they would definitely sack him for doing that but he got ______ with a final warning.
    b. after
    c. into

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