Ukrainian InternetPavilion

Information and Call for Sponsorship

for prospective Sponsors and Foundations for support of activity on creation of WWW Information Resources about Historical and Cultural Heritage of Ukraine


Initiative group including leading Ukrainian specialists in Internet and Information Technologies, History, Culture and Art as well as interested companies declare their intentions to start realization of initiative Project

Internet Pavilion - Program of development of WWW (World Wide Web) Information Resources about Historical and Cultural Heritage of Ukraine and establishing special network of devoted WWW Servers

that will be realized in the frame of International initiative on creation Central Park of Global Information Infrastructure and organizing World Internet Exhibition of 1996.

Program Goals

Achievement of the main goals will be provided by tight cooperation of many interested and contributing participants and coordinating activity of two devoted activity centers:

The Program will integrate Education, Research and Creative Work of devoted specialists from different areas and will serve for manifestation of initiative and self-expression of creative people.

The new Paradigm of Education and Living in the Information Age will be realized in the Program

*** Learning from the Internet - Contributing to the Internet ***

More Detailed Information about the Project (Windows encoding).

Structure of Program and main activities

Call for Sponsorship and Declaration of Interest

Sponsors of this Program/Project will have opportunity to contribute to the most ambitious and lively initiative Project that going to integrate initiatives of wide circles of specialists, researches and artists and participate in creation of elements of Information Society in Ukraine.

Supporting this Initiative your Company or Foundation will benefit in many ways:

Project Homepages:

Contact Information:

Yuri Demchenko: +380 (44) 441-1465