EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) Release 2 published - 3 July 2017

EDISON project published the EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) Release 2 documents set


EDSFrelease2 includes the following components:

·       Data Science Competence Framework (CF-DS),

·       Data Science Body of Knowledge (DS-BoK),

·       Data Science Model Curriculum (MC-DS), and

·       Data Science Professional Profiles (DSPP).

EDSF provides a conceptual basis for the Data Science Profession definition, targeted education and training, professional certification, organizational and individual skills management and career transferability.

The new release has incorporated multiple contribution received from the EDISON Liaison Group (ELG), champion universities and wide expert community. The EDSF development has been enriched by the cooperation with the APEC project DARE (Data Analytics Rise Employment) which was resulted in mutual contribution to EDSF and the DARE Recommended DSA Competences.

The following developments took place since the Release 1 and currently available in the EDSF Release 2:

CF-DS - All competences, skills and knowledge topics are enumerated; Data Science Analytics competences defined in the e-CF3.0 format; added definition of the Data Science workplace (soft) skills and 21st century skills

DSPP - Data Science Professional Profiles definition revised; added section on Data Science and Analytics enabled professions.

DS-BoK - Added full list of Knowledge Areas and Knowledge Units and their mapping to CCS2012 and existing BoKs

MC-DS - Learning Units are re-defined according to the updated DS-BoK; suggested courses are defined for two groups: Data Science Analytics and KAG1-DSDA, and Data Science Engineering KAG2-DSENG

Current EDSF Release 2 is fully ready for practical use and implementation in Data Science education and training.

Fully enumerated competences, skills and knowledge units provide basis for developing APIs and applications for competence benchmarking, job profiles definition, individual training development.

The project consortium will continue ESDF update and improvement based on the practitioners and community feedback.  

Additional information

Final EDISON workshop "EOSC and RI: From infrastructure to skills for insight and value" will be held on 29 August 2017. The purpose is to discuss the future EDSF development, use and sustainability for European Research Infrastructure and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
