Yuri V. Demchenko
(September 2017)



Professional Summary


Professional experience. Full time:


October 2003 -
present time

System and Network Engineering Research Group, University of Amsterdam
Development: Cloud Computing architecture and Intercloud architecture, Cloud based services engineering, Big Data Infrastructure, Cloud and Big Data Security, Generic AAA Authorisation framework, Dynamic Access Control Infrastructure (DACI) for clouds, Computer Grids and Virtual Organisations security, Federated Identity Management, policy based access control, SAML and XACML authorisation and policy profile for dynamic virtualised access control infrastructure, pluggable GAAA Toolkit Java library.

Major projects (development and contribution): Current: EDISON (coordinator), CYCLONE, GN4 JRA1 Task 3.
Past: GN3plus JRA1-Task2 Open Cloud Exchange (OCX) project, EuroBrazil CloudConnect; GEANT3 JRA3, GEYSERS, Phosphorus, EGEE (Enabling Grid for E-science in Europe), VL-e, SURFnet Gigaport Research on Network (RoN), Collaboratory.nl (CNL).

Education and teaching: Data Science Analytics Foundation, Research Data Management, Cloud Computing technologies, Big Data Infrastructure and Tools, Security Engineering and Applications Security; PhD students advising; online education and professional training;  development of educational and training courses on Data Sciecne Analytics, Cloud Computing and Big Data (Data Science).

Other professional and community activity: Program Committee member CloudCom2011-2014, 2017, CTS2008-CTS2013, Technical Program Committee member Grid2005, Policy2008-2011, COLSEC Workshop 2008-2010, organiser SECOTS2011 Symposium, Organiser and TPC chair NetCloud2011-2017 workshop , Intercloud 2014-2017 workshop..

March 2003 –

September 2003

NLnet Labs

Management of technical development and resource planning, pilot implementation and testing, technical architecture development. Application security and public key projects, consulting support for different PKI and XML Security oriented projects, in particular for RIPE NCC Security improvement project.

Development of Incident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF) in the framework of IETF INCH WG, authoring two Internet-Drafts.

Development of Security components for Security Architecture for Agents Systems in cooperation with IIDS Group, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, consulting PhD students on applications security.

November 2002 –

February 2003

Technical Consultant (Freelance)

Project development, consulting and standardisation activity in Computer Security Incident Response, PKI and Identity Management.

Standardisation and pilot implementation of Incident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF) – two Internet drafts published, IODEF XML library created, test implementation in J2SE/J2SDK environment.

September 1998 -
October 2002


TERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association), Amsterdam

TERENA Task Forces and Working Groups activity supervising, supporting, overall projects planning, management and co-ordination, communication with extensive group of experts at NRENs to understand common problems and to develop appropriate solutions; provide relevant information and transfer knowledge between leading teams and existing projects; contribute to the projects development, advise on technology issues and technical solutions; organize meetings, workshops and build professional cooperative links between teams at NRENs; support of the community related standardisation activity.

Main areas of responsibility and expertise: Security Incident Response and Handling, Network Security tools, technologies, architecture and policy; Applications Security, PKI, Authentication, Authorisation, Network Identity - technologies and tools; XML Web Services Security, Middleware and Grid Aware Networking.

September 1995
September 1998

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Department of Computer Aided Design

Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine.

Tenure tracks on Network Design Technologies, Networking Information Technologies and Services, WWW/HTML Publishing and Authoring Tools, Internet Marketing and Information Policy Planning.

National and International projects on Internet based technologies and applications.

November 1994 -
December 31, 1995

DIRECTOR of Computer Communication Centre of Kiev Polytechnic Institute.

Development and realisation of the Project on Building Campus Computer Network of Kiev Polytechnic Institute funded by EC TEMPUS- TACIS Program on University Management.

Development and realisation of the Kiev Pilot IP Network Project funded by ISF (International Science Foundation) Telecommunication Program.

October 1989 -
November 1994

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, Department of Experimental Research Automation

Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine.

Tenure track on Open Test and Measurement Systems Design Technologies.

Courses and practice on Electronics, Microprocessors, Metrology and Standardisation.

February 1981 -
February 1988

RESEARCH ENGINEER and RESEARCH FELLOW on Instrumentation and Automated Test and Measurement Systems

Department of Experimental Research Automation, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine,

Work experience. Part time:


September 2001 -
present time

Affiliate Researcher on AAA and Grid Security technologies

Advanced Internet Research Group, University of Amsterdam

January 1998 -
September 1998

Senior Advisor on Internet Technologies and Architecture

Global Ukraine ISP, Ukraine

1997 - 1998

Lecturer, International Scientific Technical University

Lectures on Networking Information Technologies and Services (NITS)

1991 -

SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY of the State Programme of Ukraine on Informatics, Automation and Communications Systems.





Ph.D. in Instrumentation and Measurement from Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Nov. 1988

Diploma: Instrumentation and Measurement Engineer from Kiev Polytechnic Institute

Date: February 1981 (6 years course)                   Grade 5 (5 - point system)



Recently published – more than 100 papers on Big Data, Cloud Computing Grid Computing, Networking and security, numerous peer reviewed technical reports and analytical papers, including 3 RFC, 17 Author Certificates of USSR (all in Ukraine, Russia, USSR and international).

Personal publication page: http://www.uazone.org/demch/papers.html
Google Scholar page:
ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuri_Demchenko


Membership and community actitity:


IEEE member and IEEE Computer Society member.
Member of the Big Data Research Editorial Board (Elsevier)
Organising and Program Committee member HPCS2015, CloudCom2011-2014, 2017, CTS2008-CTS2011; Organiser BDDAC2014 Symposium, InterCloud2014-2017 Workshop, , NetCloud2011-2012-2015, 2017 workshops, SECOTS2011 Symposium, COLSEC2010 workshop; Technical Program Committee member Policy2008-2011, COLSEC Workshop 2008-2010, Grid2005.


Additional information:

Computer and development skills: Languages: Java, XML (extensively), XML Web Services, HTML; Systems: Windows, Linux; IDE: J2EE, Eclipse, MS Visual Studio .Net (basic); Office tools, computer graphics and image processing tools (extensively).

Language skills: Fluent in oral and written English, Ukrainian and Russian; Dutch (communication sufficient).

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=1720989
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=nl&user=EQIRHnAAAAAJ
Personal ORCID: 0000-0001-7474-9506 (http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7474-9506)
Scopus Author ID 8904483500