Key Actions III - Multimedia content and tools

Excerpt from IST Workprogramme 2001 -


"The aim of this work is to improve the functionality, usability and acceptability of future information products and services, to enable linguistic and cultural diversity and contribute to the valorisation and exploitation of Europe's cultural patrimony, to stimulate creativity, and to enhance education and training systems for lifelong learning. Work will cover new models, methods, technologies and systems for creating, processing, managing, networking, accessing and exploiting digital content, including audio-visual content. An important research dimension will be new socio-economic and technological models for representing information, knowledge and know-how. The work will address both applications-oriented research, focusing on publishing, culture and education and training and generic research in language and content technologies for all applications areas, and will include validation, take-up, concertation and standards."

Strategy, Architecture and Focus

The rapid convergence of mobile communication, digital broadcasting and network infrastructures calls for rich multimedia content that is adaptive and responsive to the needs of European citizens, businesses and public organisations. Context based approaches to production, management and exchange of digital content, together with higher levels of interactivity, are a key feature of the ambient intelligence landscape and will enable more natural and effective use of the emerging universal infostructure.

In WP2001, Key Action III concentrates on the following inter-linked themes:

Innovative applications combined with next generation research in education, training and cultural heritage are all major drivers for the emergent knowledge based economy. This will give impetus to multimedia business development that will provide opportunities for new and often small firms, especially those producing creative content. New middleware, including innovative methods, tools and technologies, has an important role in enhancing content rich information, communication systems and services. This is to embed in them higher levels of interactivity, multilinguality, multimodality and naturalism. It also enables the exploitation of the semantics of content in pursuit of full knowledge acquisition and exchange.

The development and integration of cross media standards and metadata should accelerate the provision of digital content components and systems. Other enabling measures are foreseen to encourage co-ordination of research across disciplines in the domains addressed by the Key Action.

Key Action III aims at advancing IST integration and convergence by forging alliances between providers of digital content, online and mobile services, interactive and VR (virtual reality) technology, and a wide array of public and private users.

The diagram below summarises the actions foreseen under Workprogramme 2001:

Key Action III contributes to the eEurope Action Plan, in particular to Areas 4 - "European youth into the digital age" and 10 - "European digital content for global networks" , and the initiative "eLearning: Designing Tomorrow's Education". In this context, co-operation is planned with the content industries (including follow-up programmes to INFO2000 and MLIS, and the Internet Action Plan), audio-visual policy (including the MEDIA programmes), cultural initiatives (including CULTURE 2000), and education and training (including SOCRATES and LEONARDO).

The implementation strategy for this Key Action covers the full RTD cycle, combining take up, applications oriented research, generic research and development, and highly exploratory work on paradigm shifts in content, as illustrated in the table below.

RTD Priorities in 2001

A total of 11 Action Lines have been identified for the year 2001, including 9 RTD Action Lines, 1 Take-up Measure and 1 Action Line for specific Support Measures.
of 2001 Action Lines
Action Line no IST 2001 Action Line Title
Interactive publishing, digital content and cultural heritage
Publishing digital content 
Heritage for all
Next generation digital collections 
Education and training
Self learning for work
e-Learning futures
Human language technologies
Multilingual Web
Natural and multilingual interactivity
Information access, filtering, analysis and handling
Semantic Web technologies
Spanning actions 
x-Content futures 
Competence building 
KA III specific support measures


Action Line Descriptions

III.1 Interactive publishing, digital content and cultural heritage

New and emerging technologies are exerting significant pressures on the traditional publishing supply chain. Novel forms of content including textual, audio-visual, 3-D, Virtual Reality, and rich-context, call for new approaches to authoring, management and delivery across such platforms as interactive TV, broadband Internet, mobile Internet devices, (e.g. WAP, GPRS, UMTS), e-books, etc. Technological advances and the subsequent convergence towards stable platforms and standards are providing vast opportunities for innovative tools and services associated with the publication of digital content.

In the cultural area, the objective is to develop shared visions, to make globally visible the rich diversity of European cultural heritage content, and to foster the emergence of inclusive and sustainable cultural and scientific collections and related services, in partnership with relevant local and regional organisations.

IST2001 - III.1.1 Publishing digital content

Objectives: To develop, validate and benchmark new methods, services and tools to facilitate authoring, management, production and delivery of digital content appropriate to the broadcasting, entertainment, advertising, publishing and new emerging media sectors.


Research is invited in the areas of new audio-visual services, systems and tools, and of cross-media publishing, covering the following issues:

The work is expected to contribute to open standards for interoperability and to address issues such as consumer protection and privacy.

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects, Trials, Thematic Networks
Links with WP2000: Re-focussed Action Line IST 2000 - III.1.1.

IST2001 - III.1.2 Heritage for all

Objectives: To foster sustainable online communities in creating and documenting the digital record of their societies, including safeguarding its accessibility for the future.


Proposals should take account of ongoing national and regional heritage initiatives and digitisation programmes, and should promote cooperation between different types of memory and cultural organisations at local/regional level, as well as appropriate public/private sector partnerships. They might involve work on resource discovery and datafusion, on authentication, integrity of services, on usability and ergonomics, on stable and reusable business models, and on active participation of end users through new online communities.

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects, Thematic Networks
Links with WP2000: New Action Line with medium term/medium risk

IST2001 - III.1.3 Next generation digital collections

Objectives: To improve substantially, both qualitatively and quantitatively, access for citizens and professionals to Europe's expanding repositories of cultural and scientific knowledge.


The work should contribute to the long term development of rich ecologies of cultural and scientific content, focusing on advanced networking of archival, museum and library resources. It should address: dynamic, interoperable and contextualised thematic collections; integration of visualisation technologies into next generation digital libraries; reference and test environments for digital archiving and preservation of dynamic digital content; or user groups/communities, focusing on collaboratories, usability, personalisation and delivery of services. These objectives will be pursued where possible in collaboration with other programmes at a Member/Associate State and international level (e.g. Digital Libraries programme of the NSF).

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects, Thematic Networks
Links with WP2000: Consolidation of Action Lines IST 2000 - III.1.4 and III.1.6 extended to long term/medium risk work on next generation digital library issues.

III.2 Education and training

Actions in this area support improvements to the process of learning through the use of ICT. This year work focuses on the trend towards greater individual control and responsibility for training, and on the need to encourage more radical thinking as to how ICT can lead to real paradigm shifts in the way we learn.

IST2001 - III.2.1 Self learning for work

Objectives: To empower individuals to define, procure and manage their learning for work, in response to rapidly changing organisational, business and employment needs. Enabling continuous interaction between theory and practice, the ICT supported solutions will be based upon sound pedagogical models and will be fully integrated into the user's environment. The research will evaluate the added value of the new way of learning and its socio-economic impact, demonstrating the benefits for the various actors (learner, tutor, sponsor, etc). Projects are expected to lead to new sustainable business models involving universities, training colleges, professional bodies, corporations, Chambers of Commerce, trade unions, training brokers, etc.


Research must address one or more of the following key topics:

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration and Combined projects

Links with 2000 WP: New Action Line, with links to Action Line IST 2000 - III.2.2 "The Learning Citizen"

IST2001 - III.2.2 e-Learning futures

Objectives: Experimental, longer term research providing significant contributions to insight into next generation e-Learning systems and services, leading to enhancement of human learning and cognitive processes. Envisaged enhancements should respond to anticipated future needs of individual learners. The research should contribute to an overall advancement of the state of the art of learning technologies and their impact as a long term goal and should help to build and sustain a corresponding multidisciplinary research community at a European level through appropriate Accompanying Measures, Networks of Excellence and workshops.

Focus: Intended as longer term research, well beyond the state of the art, for initial and adult learning. Proposals should specify:

The work must be situated in sufficiently realistic learning settings as to allow a thorough assessment of the impact (including organisational and social) by experts from technological, cognitive, social and pedagogical sciences.

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects, Thematic Networks
Links with WP2000: New Action Line

III.3 Human language technologies (HLT)

The overall objective of HLT is to support e-business in a global context and to promote a human centred infostructure ensuring equal access and usage opportunities for all. This is to be achieved by developing multilingual technologies and demonstrating exemplary applications providing functionalities that are critical for the realisation of a truly user friendly Information Society. Projects will address generic and applied RTD from a multi- and cross-lingual perspective, and will undertake to demonstrate how language specific solutions can be transferred to and adapted for other languages.

IST2001 - III.3.1 Multilingual Web

Objectives: To advance towards a fuller realisation of the multilingual Internet for personal development and informational purposes, and for distributed enterprise knowledge management across languages and delivery platforms.


Wider availability and more effective production and use of multilingual information over fixed and mobile digital networks. RTD work will address both integrative showcases and longer-term research endeavours with identifiable short term spin offs, and will encompass three intertwined project lines:

Support will be provided for multilingual annotated language resources underpinning the above RTD lines, including methods and tools for automated extraction and labelling from existing data repositories, insofar as they provide a clear path towards industrially relevant applications or can greatly enhance the linguistic breadth and depth of existing systems and technologies.

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects
Links with WP2000: This action line is a re-focused version of IST 2000 III.3.2, and is geared towards multilingual Web content, translation and cross-media delivery.

IST2001 - III.3.2 Natural and multilingual interactivity

Objectives: To progress towards a more intuitive interaction with, and effective use of intelligent network services and appliances. RTD will address both relatively short term applicative showcases and longer term research efforts aimed at robust dialogue and unconstrained speech/language understanding. The intended orientation towards middleware and embedded technologies presupposes significant advances of the component technologies and further progress towards their integration within mass market products and services.


RTD will focus on the intersection of multilingual input/output with speech-, language- and multimodal interaction and technology mediated communication, and address service issues such as performance, reliability and scalability of embedded speech and language technologies. RTD work will encompass:

Types of actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects
Links with WP2000: This action line results from a merger and consolidation of IST 2000 - III.3.1 and III.3.3, and is geared towards intelligent information appliances and advanced communication services.

III.4 Information access, filtering, analysis and handling (IAF)

The World Wide Web is becoming a major vehicle for the distribution and delivery of multimedia content including video and audio, accessible from stationary (including domestic) and mobile platforms. It is, however, necessary to impose more semantic structure on Web content in order to facilitate, for example, resource and knowledge discovery, information filtering and intelligent browsing. It is, in short, necessary to make Web content machine understandable. Given the sheer size and dynamics of the Web this can only be achieved through highly automated procedures.

IST2001 - III.4.1 Semantic Web technologies

Objectives: To enable users to access, retrieve and filter information from the Web, relevant to their interests and needs, and matching their quality expectations. This requires new and advanced methods, models, tools and systems for services related to access, retrieval and filtering of Web-based content, in particular the development of new search systems and machines, in line with existing and emerging relevant standards. These services would typically be provided by intelligent agents.


This Action Line focuses on content technologies that contribute to the creation and exploitation of the Semantic Web. It invites projects that develop, apply and benchmark these technologies in a Web context. They include:

Issues to be addressed by projects under this Action Line include the sustainability and scalability of the proposed approaches concerning, for example, metadata repositories and ontologies. Projects may also wish to focus specifically on the constraints and special requirements of domestic platforms (such as WebTV) and mobile platforms (such as WAP and UMTS) for Web access, and their user communities. Ease of access as well as scalability and presentation of content are likely to be the main challenges here. Moreover, the integration of geographic information into Web-based service environments could greatly benefit the usability of mobile platforms.

Types of Actions addressed: Research and Development, Demonstration, Combined projects, Thematic Networks

Links with WP2000: New Action Line

III.5 Spanning Actions

IST2001 - III.5.1 x-Content futures

Objectives: To provide opportunities for high payoff breakthrough research within the scope of the Key Action, yet with a focus on issues not covered at present by its Action Lines.


The research will anticipate future developments, explore radically new concepts and paradigms, and address important problems currently impeding progress in the area of multimedia contents and tools, against a 10 year horizon.

Types of Actions addressed: Research and Development (ranging from proof of concept to full-scale R&D)
Links with WP2000: New Action Line.

IST2001 - III.5.2 Competence building

Types of Actions addressed: Trials. Types of Actions addressed: Access. Links with WP2000: New Action Line.

IST2001 - III.5.3 KA III specific support measures

All research activities and outcomes are to be published using print and electronic media and disseminated through a variety of channels at project, cluster and programme level, and promoted at relevant conferences and trade shows, where appropriate through dedicated actions.

Types of Actions addressed: Accompanying Measures (excluding Take-up).
Links with WP2000: Re-focussed Action Line IST 2000 III.5.1, complementing those available under the Continuous Submission Scheme.